Blog de Luis Mochán

Blog de Luis Mochán.

Blog de Luis Mochán del Instituto de Ciencias Físicas.

Mantenido por
Luis Mochán
GPG id: DD344B85
Fingerprint: 2ADC B65A 5499 C2D3 4A3B 93F3 AE20 0F5E DD34 4B85

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    Mon, 01 Feb 2010

    Modification to Tag Cloud
    I modified the tagging plugin, since each tag in the tag cloud of a page that had been filtered with another tag had a link that filtered the result with the disjunction of the two (or more) tags. I believe this might be driving crazy the robots of the search engines, as the number of links that points to a given page became essentially infinite. I just found and commented out the lines

                ((($link_cloud eq 'blosxom') and 
                  ($filter_tags !~ /(^|,)\Q$tag\E($|,)/) and
                  $filter_tags) ?
                 "$l_filter_tags," : '').

    Cargado a las 16:10 en /mochan/blosxom / tagging20100201, | Etiquetas: , , | liga permanente

    Mon, 18 Jan 2010

    Order of paging plugin
    I realized that the paging plugin of blosxom has to be executed after the stories have been filtered by the find and tagging plugins. Otherwise, the number of stories to display comes out wrong and the last one is repeated unnecesarily. Thus I ran rename s/^/50/ * and mv 50paging 75paging. The fix seems to work.

    Cargado a las 08:44 en /mochan/blosxom / paging20100118, | Etiquetas: , | liga permanente

    Thu, 14 Jan 2010

    Find Plugin
    I added the find plugin from the registry to my blosxom blog.

    Cargado a las 22:24 en /mochan/blosxom / find20100114, | Etiquetas: , | liga permanente

    Wed, 13 Jan 2010

    I installed the paging plugin for blosxom, as I already have 36 stories and soon they won't fit in one page. I also tried the paginate plugin, but it had some errors.

    Cargado a las 23:05 en /mochan/blosxom / paging20100113, | Etiquetas: , | liga permanente

    Tue, 29 Dec 2009

    Instructivo para este blog
    Escribí un instructivo en el wiki del ICF para usar este blog; quizás un poco largo.

    Cargado a las 19:09 en /mochan/blosxom / instructivo20091229, | Etiquetas: , , , | liga permanente

    Errors in blosedit
    Today I installed wbcaptcha and had to modify the flavours story.html, foot.writebacks, etc. I made various experiments and when I finished, blosedit stopped working. I didn't understand why, but after removing its cookies it seems to be fixed.

    Cargado a las 16:48 en /mochan/blosxom / blosedit20091229, | Etiquetas: , , | liga permanente

    added wbcaptcha and tried to configure it. I made some tests with comments. It seems to work now.

    Cargado a las 14:49 en /mochan/blosxom / wbcaptcha20091229, | Etiquetas: , , | liga permanente

    Added hitcounter

    I added the hitcounter plugin, version 0.5 to my blosxom installation, but I believe it had a bug. I replaced the lines
    $path =~ s/(\.$blosxom::flavour)$//; # strip flavour from end of path
    my $suffix = $1;

    my $suffix='';
    $suffix = $1 if $path =~ s/(\.$blosxom::flavour)$//; # strip flavour from end of path

    Otherwise, $suffix would get garbage when there is no explicit flavor. For that reason, my directories were not accumulating hits.

    Cargado a las 12:30 en /mochan/blosxom / hitcounter, | Etiquetas: , , | liga permanente

    Mon, 28 Dec 2009

    Tagging plugin
    I added the tagging plugin. Seems to work very nicely.

    Cargado a las 16:21 en /mochan/blosxom / tagging, | Etiquetas: , , | liga permanente

    regular expressions in blosxom
    I found that blosxom allows some kind of regular expressions in the url/paths. If try to reach .../a (... is the url of my blosxom cgi) I get all directories starting with a. If I just want those files under /a, I should write .../a$ with $ as the end of string. The same holds if I add an index, as in .../a/index.html, which might serve more files than .../a$/index.html. I tested some other re constructs in the url, such as .../a[^b] which would give me all files under directories /ac, /ad, etc., but not under /ab. The regular expression that doesn't work is /a.*. The asterisk is mistaken as the flavor as it goes after the dot. This feature allows a lot of flexibility, but it worries me somewhat: is it dangerous?

    Cargado a las 15:29 en /mochan/blosxom / regularExpressions, | Etiquetas: , | liga permanente

    Fri, 25 Dec 2009

    Instalation of blosedit
    I installed blosedit 2.1 today. To make it work I had to comment all the @default_template variables. I also added -charset=>"utf-8" to all instances of cgi->header and save the cgi file as utf-8 and replaced encoding to utf-8 to get accented letters and latin symbols consistently. I still have to understand how to use the templates.

    Cargado a las 11:49 en /mochan/blosxom / installationOfBlosedit, | Etiquetas: , | liga permanente

    Lista global de etiquetas:

    aborto, acmor, ade651, administración, age, agua, amc, AMC, AMLO, amor, América Latina, android, anharmonic oscillator, animaciones, anuncios, análisis dimensional, Aristegui, arte, astronomy, astronomía, asymptote, atmósfera, autoreferencia, bachillerato, backflip, Belkin, biblioteca, bicicleta, bicicletas, bicycle, bikepath, biofísica, biografía, biopolímeros, blosedit, blosxom, books, burocracia, Cablemás, cablevision, Calderón, calentamiento global, campus morelos, captcha, Casimir, censura, charlatanería, chistes, ciclopista, ciencia, cine, ciudad, Ciudad de México, club de astronomía, colegio, colloids, coloquio, conacyt, congreso, consejoConsultivo, contaminación, corrupción, counter, creation and anhilation operators, crimen, ctic, cuento, Cuernavaca, cuernavaca, cómputo, danza, debate, debian, defensa, deformed operators, derechos humanos, detector molecular, dgsca, diputados, distinción, divulgación, DNS , docencia, documentation, doi, doppler, drenaje, drogas, earthquake, earthquakes, ecology, ecología, economía, edad de hielo, editoriales, educación, eficiencia, ejército, elecciones, electrodinámica, electrodynamics, email, empleos, emérito, encuestas, energy, energía, EPN, equilibrium, espcm, estado, eventos, extorsión, extraordinary transmission, extraterrestres, familia, fascism, fiesta, firefox, firewall, fluctuations, fluidos, formulaE, fotos, freedom, Fukushima, física, game theory, garciaLorca, gas, generación, geology, gnu, graphics, gt200, GT200, guerra, guitar, guitarra, guns, guías de onda, hacienda, halos, harmonic oscillator, historia, homeopatía, hospital, humanidades, humor, icf, IFAI, ifai, impunidad, infraestructura, ingeniería, innovación, instrumentación, instrumentation, interacción radiación-materia, internet explorer, ionosphere, ionósfera, IOP, ipicyt, iusacell, japón, jueces, justicia, Karman, laicismo, laptop, Leika, lenovo, ley, libertad, libertad

    , libros, licenciatura, linux, literatura, lylipond, manchas solares, matemáticas, materiales fotónicos, mathematics, mb300, medicina, medicine, medio ambiente, metamateriales, metamaterials, microsoft, militares, moire, moires, moiré, mole, morelos, Morelos, morse oscillator, motivation, mountaineering, movimiento perpetuo , museo, music, mutt email perl labels gmail, México, música, nanociencias, nanoparticles, nanotechnology, narco, network, noticias, nsa, nuclear, nuclear magnetic resonance, obituario, olimpiadas, opinión, pacto, paging, papers, partituras, pcf, pdf, periódico historia, periódicos, personajes, PHP, physics, physicsWorld, plasmones, plegado, plugins, podcast, politics, polímeros, política, posgrado, positron, Poynting, prensa, prevención, pride, productividad, propaganda, pseudociencia, pseudociencia , pseudoscience, puentes, quantum mechanics, radiación, radio, rayos X, reactores nucleares, red, redacción, reforma, regular expressions, religion, religión, retrato, rewards, robbery, rock, root, routing, schools, science, security, seguridad, seguridad nacional, seminario, seminarios, senado, senadores, sheetMusic, simuladores, skydiving, SNI ciencia, sociedad, software, sol, spam, spamassasin, ssh, subdesarrollo, tagging, tcj, tecnología, telefonía celular, temblor, teoría de juegos, terremoto, terrorism, terrorismo, tomography, topes, tortura, trafico, transporte, tráfico, turbulence, turbulencia, uaem, ultrasound, unam, UNAM, universidad, universidades, universum, vacuum, vehículos eléctricos, video, violencia, von Kármán, vortices, vórtices, wbcaptcha, wiki, wikileaks, wireless, X, X rays, zahorismo, ética, óptica

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