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[Coloquio ICF] Igor Jex 2011-09-28
Estimados Colegas,
Es un gusto invitarles al Coloquio que se llevarà a cabo en el
Instituto de Ciencias FÃsicas el prÃximo miÃrcoles, a cargo de
Igor Jex
de la
Fac. Ciencias Nucleares, FÃsica e IngenierÃa, Universidad
TÃcnica Checa
Quantum walks - theory and experiment
Quantum walks represent an excellent playground for explaining,
modelling and testing a wide range of physical processes and
effects. The simplest models of walks -discrete quantum
walks on a line- are based on the combination of the
dynamics of the internal degree of freedom and the condition
shift in the position space (step operator). The time evolution
of the walk is given by the repeated application of the
resulting evolution operator. Both pieces of the evolution can
suffer from imperfections and this leads to deviations from the
ideal situation. The way how the ideal situation is alternating
leads to additional interesting situations. The perturbation of
the coin leads to an effective Gaussian distribution of the
resulting position distribution. However, for special
perturbations the quantum walk leads to Anderson localization
like effects. Similar effects can be observed when the
perturbation of the step operator is studied. We present
results on theoretical and experimental studies of perturbed
quantum walks leading to physically interesting effects.
Los esperamos el
miÃrcoles 28 de septiembre a las 17:30
en el
Auditorio del Instituto de Ciencias FÃsicas,
UNAM, Campus Chamilpa
Esperando su entusiasta participaciÃn, quedo de Uds.
Luis MochÃn
pd. 1. Al final del Coloquio habrà bocadillos, refrescos y vino de honor.
2. Nuestra direcciÃn, telÃfonos y un mapa pueden consultarse en
3. El programa de nuestro Coloquio y otras actividades acadÃmicas
de nuestro Instituto pueden consultarse en nuestra pÃgina
4. El coloquio de la siguiente semana estarà a cargo de David Harrington
del Instituto de AstronomÃa de la Univ. de Hawaii en Honolulu.