In This Issue
OSA Research Highlights
Industry Funding Opportunities
OSA Research Highlights
Laser-Sculpted Optical Devices for Future Giant Telescopes
Future telescopes, with mirrors half the size of a football field, will need special components to deal with the light they collect. Astronomers are
turning to photonic devices that guide and manipulate light inside specially-designed materials. The greatest potential, which is described in the
latest issue of Optics
Express, the Optical
Society's (OSA) open-access journal, may lie in a laser-based technique that carves out micron-sized light pathways in three dimensions.
De-Multiplexing to the Max: 640 Gbits/second
A new error-free speed-reading record using a compact ultra-fast component—640 Gbits/second—has now been established by a collaboration
of scientists from Denmark and Australia, who report their results in the journal Optics Express, the Optical Society's (OSA) open-access
One of the authors of the new report, Danish scientist Leif K. Oxenløwe, says that the record speeds of de-multiplexing
represented by his tiny glass microchip is a boon to circuit designers and opens the door to faster network speeds. In the near future, the Danish and
Australian researchers hope to achieve 1 terabit/second Ethernet capability.
Tiny Lasers Get a Notch Up
Tiny disk-shaped lasers as small as a speck of dust could one day beam information through optical computers. Unfortunately, a perfect disk will
spray light out, not as a beam, but in all directions. New theoretical results, reported in the Optical Society (OSA) journal Optics Letters, explain how adding
a small notch to the disk edge provides a single outlet for laser light to stream out.
OSA’s Review Journal, Advances in Optics and Photonics, Launches Inaugural Issue
The Optical Society (OSA) is
pleased to announce that the premiere issue of its review journal, Advances in Optics and Photonics,
is now available. Advances in Optics and Photonics is an online, quarterly journal of invited reviews and tutorials that focus on the most
up-to-date advances in the fields of both basic and applied optics and photonics.
Industry Funding Opportunities
Royal Society and Académie des Sciences Microsoft Award (Applications Due: February 23, 2009)
The U.K. Royal Society, French Académie des sciences, and Microsoft Research are soliciting nominations for an award designed to
recognize and reward scientists working in Europe who have made a major contribution to the advancement of science through the use of computational
methods. The 2009 award is open to any research scientist who has been a resident in Europe for at least a year prior to the announcement of the
award, barring current members of the Royal Society Council or Académie des sciences and Microsoft employees. The award includes EUR250,000,
of which EUR7,500 will constitute prize money, with the rest earmarked for further research. Nominations are due by February 23, 2009.
From "Royal Society and Académie des Sciences Microsoft Award"
Royal Society (UK) (01/18/09)
NIST Opens Competition for Technology Innovation Program Funding (Applications Due: March 9, 2009-July 13, 2009)
The U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology is soliciting white papers and research proposals that can be funded under its
Technology Innovation Program (TIP). Among the topics being pursued are complex networks and systems for energy delivery, telecommunications,
transportation and finance; technologies that address emerging alternative energy sources; technologies that address growing needs for fresh water
supplies and ensure the safety of water and food supplies from contamination; manufacturing improvement; nanomaterials and nanotechnology;
personalized medicine and sustainable chemistry. Several due dates for the submission of white papers are listed, including March 9, 2009; May 11,
2009; and July 13, 2009.
From "NIST Opens Competition for Technology Innovation Program Funding"
Printed Circuit Design & Fab (12/23/08) Nargi-Toth, Kathy
DARPA Grant: Information Tethered Micro Automated Rotary Stages (Applications Due: March 25, 2009)
The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is soliciting research proposals in the area of Information Tethered Micro Automated Rotary
Stages (ITMARS). Proposals should investigate innovative approaches that enable revolutionary advances in science, devices, or systems. Applications
are due by March 25, 2009.
From "Information Tethered Micro Automated Rotary Stages (ITMARS)"
U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (12/05/08)
Photonics21 Student Innovation Award Applications Open (Applications Due: March 31, 2009)
The Photonics21 Student Innovation Award has been launched by Photonics21, a voluntary association of industrial enterprises and other
stakeholders in the field of photonics in Europe. The award was established to recognize individual efforts in pure or applied optics and photonics
research and includes a cash prize of EUR5,000. Applications are due by March 31, 2009. First prize will be awarded on June 15, 2009.
From "Photonics21 Student Innovation Award Applications Open"
SPIE (01/14/09)
U.S. Office of Naval Research Solicits Proposals for Ocean Sensors (Applications Due: April 10, 2009)
The U.S. Office of Naval Research is soliciting research proposals on behalf of the National Oceanographic Partnership Program (NOPP) and The
President's Interagency Committee on Ocean Science and Resource Management Integration (ICOSRMI). Topics included in the call for proposals include
sensors for the measurement of biological, bio-optical, optical, and chemical properties of the ocean. Applications are due by April 10, 2009.
From "National Oceanographic Partnership Program (NOPP) and Interagency Committee on Ocean Science and Resource Management
Integration (ICOSRMI)" (01/05/09)
Foundation for Polish Science Launches Welcome Programme (Applications Due: April 15, 2009)
The Foundation of Polish Science has launched its Welcome Programme, designed to engage outstanding researchers from abroad in creating
research teams in Poland and intensifying international cooperation of the Polish institutes and universities. Awards will include research grants of
up to PLN1 million (approximately US$300,000) as well as personal stipends for researchers and team members. Applications are due by April 15,
From "Foundation for Polish Science: Welcome Programme"
Foundation for Polish Science (01/21/09)
JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship for Foreign Researchers (Applications Due: May 12, 2009)
The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science is seeking researchers from outside Japan wishing to conduct research in Japan under its
Postdoctoral Fellowship for Foreign Researchers program. All fields of the natural sciences are included under the program. The deadline for
applications is May 12, 2009.
From "JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship for Foreign Researchers"
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (01/14/09)
Biophotonics, Advanced Imaging, and Sensing for Human Health (Applications Due: September 15, 2009)
The National Science Foundation is soliciting research proposals under its Biophotonics, Advanced Imaging, and Sensing for Human Health (BISH)
program. BISH is targeting innovative basic research in photonics, imaging, and sensing as they relate to human health. The deadline for
applications is September 15, 2009.
From "Biophotonics, Advanced Imaging, and Sensing for Human Health (BISH)"
National Science Foundation (01/14/09)
DARPA Seeks Proposals for Zeno-based Opto-Electronics (Applications Due: December 10, 2009)
The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is soliciting research and development proposals in the area of Zeno-based Optoelectronics
(ZOE). The goal of this program is to create materials and prototype devices that will demonstrate a new class of optoelectronics that operate with
ultra-low energy dissipation (~100 aJ/operation). The deadline for applications is December 10, 2009.
From "Zeno-based Opto-Electronics (ZOE)"
U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (01/15/09)
Pan-American Advanced Studies Institutes Program (Applications Due: January 15, 2010)
The U.S. National Science Foundation's Office of International Science and Engineering and U.S. Department of Energy are soliciting proposals
for the Pan American Advanced Study Institutes (PASI) Program. Pan American Advanced Studies Institutes are short courses ranging in length from 10
days to one month, involving lectures, demonstrations, research seminars and discussions at the advanced graduate and post-doctoral level, with the
goal of disseminating advanced scientific and engineering knowledge and stimulating training and cooperation among researchers of the Americas in the
fields of mathematics, physical science, biological science, and engineering. Applications are due by January 15, 2010 and on January 15 annually
From "Pan-American Advanced Studies Institutes Program"
National Science Foundation (01/18/09)
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