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We are pleased to introduce a new textbook in Physical
Chemistry that may interest you. For a limited time, you can get your
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(With CD-ROM)
by Gopala Krishna Vemulapalli (University of Arizona, USA)
978-1-84816-301-0: US$48 / £32 US$36 /
This is a unique book with a different aim from other books
on the subject. The idea is to provide readers with the "big picture"
first, yet at a level that helps further the study of physical
chemistry. The text covers all the important topics in physical
chemistry — thermodynamics, statistical thermodynamics, quantum
chemistry, and chemical kinetics — staying rigorously close to the
basic theory, using appropriate mathematics but avoiding long
derivations. Moreover, the book is supplemented by a CD-ROM to make it
more comprehensive, interactive and useful for a wider audience. The
CD-ROM contains examples, extended discussion, exercises and details of
important derivations to reinforce understanding of physical chemistry.
- Quantum Chemistry:
- The Schrodinger Equation, Waves and Wave
- Spectroscopy: Rotations and Vibrations
- Chemical Thermodynamics:
- The Fundamental Equation of Thermodynamics
- Statistical Thermodynamics
- Kinetics:
- The Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases
How to Order
Key in the discount code WMAY25B when you order online at www.worldscibooks.com to enjoy
a 25% discount from now till 5 June 2010. An ordering guide can
be found here.
*Available in Asia in now
**Available elsewhere in June 2010