valued subscriber,
like formulas. They are expedient rules of thumb that guard against
dangerous extremes. "Plan for one minute and a half per slide", some
say, "and never put more than 5 bullets point and more than 5 words per
bullet point". Under these rules lie hidden assumptions about people’s
attention span, prior knowledge of the presented topic, text
readability, number of clicks needed to go through the material on the
slide, audience interactivity, and more! Presenters could be fooled
into thinking that as long as these rules of thumb are followed, their
presentation will be fine... -- Jean-Luc Lebrun
Take a
preview of Jean-Luc Lebrun's When
The Scientist Presents - An Audio and Video Guide to
Science Talks.
for a limited time - a free chapter from this bestselling title - Chapter
7: The Master of Tools (1,172k)
Highlight |
Bestselling textbook in its 2nd Edition !
And Nanomaterials
Synthesis, Properties, and Applications (2nd Edition)
by Guozhong Cao (University of Washington, USA) &
Ying Wang (Louisiana State University, USA)
important book focuses not only on the synthesis and fabrication of
nanostructures and nanomaterials, but also includes properties and
applications of nanostructures and nanomaterials, particularly
inorganic nanomaterials. It provides balanced and comprehensive
coverage of the fundamentals and processing techniques with regard to
synthesis, characterization, properties, and applications of
nanostructures and nanomaterials. Both chemical processing and
lithographic techniques are presented in a systematic and coherent
manner for the synthesis and fabrication of 0-D, 1-D, and 2-D
nanostructures, as well as special nanomaterials such as carbon
nanotubes and ordered mesoporous oxides. The book will serve as a
general introduction to nanomaterials and nanotechnology for teaching
and self-study purposes.
"This book does an excellent job of assembling a wide
variety of synthetic techniques and describing how they can be applied
to a range of materials for design on the nanoscale. The references
range from the classic to the very recent, giving a broad perspective
of the area, and an index provides cross-referencing." -- Journal
of the American Chemical Society
for an inspection copy here.
New & Forthcoming Titles |
- Nanoscience
And Nanotechnology In Engineering
by Vijay K Varadan (University of Arkansas, USA) , A
Sivathanu Pillai (Defense Research and Development Organization, India)
, Debashish Mukherji (Defense Research and Development Organization,
India) , Mayank Dwivedi (Defense Research and Development Organization,
India), & Linfeng Chen (University of Arkansas, USA)
- Molecular
An Introduction to Theory and Experiment
by Juan Carlos Cuevas (Universidad Autónoma de
Madrid, Spain) & Elke Scheer (Universität Konstanz, Germany)
- Theory Of
Semiconductor Quantum Dots
Band Structure, Optical Properties and Applications
edited by Aleksey Andreev (Hitachi Cambridge
Laboratory, UK)
- Perspectives
Of Mesoscopic Physics
Dedicated to Professor Yoseph Imry's 70th Birthday
edited by Amnon Aharony (Ben Gurion University,
Israel) & Ora Entin-Wohlman (Ben Gurion University, Israel)
- Nanoparticle
Reinforced Composites For Structural Applications
by Hassan Mahfuzn (Florida Atlantic University, USA)
& Vinod Dhanak (The University of Liverpool, UK)
- Nanomagnetism
And Spintronics
Fabrication, Materials, Characterization and Applications
by Frank Schwierz (Technical University Ilmenau,
Germany) , Hei Wong (City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong) , &
Juin J Liou (University of Central Florida, USA)

Devices And Circuits In Silicon
by Zahid Ali Khan Durrani (Imperial College, UK)

Review Of Nano Research
edited by Guozhong Cao (University of Washington,
USA) , Qifeng Zhang (University of Washington, USA) , & C Jeffrey
Brinker (University of New Mexico, USA & Sandia National
Laboratories, USA)

Processes On Insulating Surfaces
by Enrico Gnecco (University of Basel, Switzerland)
& Marek Szymonski (Jagiellonian University, Poland)

Topics In Nanoscience And Nanotechnology
edited by Andrew T S Wee (National University of
Singapore, Singapore)
Notable Backlist |
Journal Highlight |
tremendous success in developing new nanomaterial and fostering
technological innovation arises from its focus on interdisciplinary
research and collaboration between physical and medical scientists. The
concept of nanobiomedicine is one of the most important ideas ever
generated by the applications of nanoscience to medical fields.
Although there have been extensive interdisciplinary activities, major
collaborative efforts are needed to jointly address some of the most
challenging issues in life and medical sciences.
- Nanostructures and their unique properties
- Fluorescent nanomaterials
- Magnetic nanomaterials
- Smart nanomaterials for sensors and transducers
- Quantum dots
- Novel nanodevices
- Integrated multifunctional nanoparticles
- Understanding biological responses to implanted or
injected materials
- Computer simulation of nanostructures
- Nanomechanics
- Nanosurface and interface structures
- Nanosurface modifications
- Nanosurface chemistry
- Intelligent nanobehaviors
- Nanogenerators
- Nanoself assembly
- Scintillation crystal materials for medical PET
imaging devices
- Multimode imaging
- Intelligent nanoscale contrast agents for imaging and
- Early cancer diagnosis
- Molecular diagnostics and disease pathology
- Drug storage, targeting and delivery
- Nanotech approaches to drug design
- Biologicals and targeted therapies
- Biological basis of compound activity
- Pharmacology and toxicology of nanoparticles
- Using biological building blocks to create novel
materials and devices
- Mechanics of biological and bioinspired materials
- Using materials to probe, alter, and control
biological responses
- Understanding biological responses to implanted or
injected materials
- Gene delivery
and Medical Sciences
- Computational biology
- Developmental biology
- Cancer Research
- Stem Cells
- Biosurfaces and biointerfaces
- Cellular transport
- Protein-protein interactions
- Subcellular targeting
- Simulation of biological systems
- Systems approaches
- Genome analyses and techniques
- Cellular and molecular dynamics
- Medical diagnosis and treatment
- Placental Studies
- Drug kinetics
- Gene therapy
- Ethnics and legislation
Physical Sciences
Donglu Shi, Ph.D.
Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering
University of Cincinnati, USA
Peter Daniel, MD
Department of Hematology, Oncology and Tumor Immunology
Humboldt University,Germany
your library have a subscription? If not, click here
to recommend this journal to your library. To request an institutional
trial to the journal, please have your librarian email trial@xxxxxxxx.
New Reviews |

Properties And Spectroscopy Of Nanomaterials
by Jin Zhong Zhang (University of California, Santa
Cruz, USA)
"The extensive bibliography
makes this book a good reference work representative of the field as a
whole … Overall the book is well organized and covers the necessary
topics to serve as an introductory text to the properties and role of
nanomaterials in optical and photonic applications … the key strengths
of the book are that it presents a nicely flowing birds-eye overview of
nanomaterial optics and spectroscopy, and it is attractively priced."
-- Journal of the American Chemistry Society
General Interest |
The Nobel
A Century of Culinary History (1901-2001)
by Ulrica Soderlind (Stockholm University, Sweden)
Translated from the Swedish by Michael Knight
Nobel Banquets is not about Alfred Nobel's personal dining habits; it
is about his "gift to mankind" — the five original Nobel Prizes and the
festivities that are arranged every year to celebrate them...
the sample chapters for a preview:
of Contents (228k)
The Environment And Climate Change
by Peter E Hodgson (University of Oxford, UK)
book is a comprehensive account of all significant energy sources,
evaluated according to their capacity, reliability, cost, safety and
effects on the environment. Non-renewable sources (for example, coal,
oil, gas and nuclear fuel) together with renewable sources like wood,
hydro, biomass, wind, solar, geothermal, ocean thermal, and tidal; are
considered. Also, nuclear radiations and the disposal of nuclear waste
and the future of nuclear power are assessed, as well as pollution and
acid rain, the greenhouse effects and climate change. Its social,
political and moral problems are discussed, with a special mention of
the opposition to nuclear power.

Creativity And
The Brain
edited by Mario Tokoro (Sony Computer Science
Laboratories Inc., Japan) & Ken Mogi (Sony Computer Science
Laboratories Inc., Japan)
Creativity is a uniquely human ability highly prized and sought after,
defining the excellence of individuals, corporations, and nations. In
the modern era of global competition, the nurturing of creativity in
oneself and others has become a major concern for the general public.
Until recently, however, human creativity had been treated as a
mysterious process of brain activity, since we had neither tools to
measure precisely the brain activities nor the theories to analyze and
synthesize creativity.
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