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by Vijay K Varadan (University of Arkansas, USA), A
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(Defense Research and Development Organization,
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The usage of nanoscience and nanotechnology in engineering
directly links academic research in nanoscience and nanotechnology to
industries and daily life. As a result, numerous nanomaterials,
nanodevices and nanosystems for various engineering purposes have been
developed and used for human betterment. This book, which consists of
eight self-contained chapters, provides the essential theoretical
knowledge and important experimental techniques required for the
research and development on nanoscience and nanotechnology in
engineering, and deals with the five key topics in this area Nanoscience
and Nanotechnology in Engineering is based on the many lectures and
courses presented around the world by its authors.
- Introduction
- Physical and Biological Aspects of Nanoscience
and Nanotechnology
- Nanoscale Fabrication and Characterisation
- Carbon Nanomaterials
- Nanostructured Materials
- Polymer Nanotechnology
- Nanocomposites
- Organic Electronics
Journal of
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The Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines (JPP) covers research in
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Key in the discount code WJUL25B when you order online at www.worldscibooks.com to enjoy
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