valued subscriber,
is one of the principal ways the audience evaluates your expertise and
determines whether or not what you say is believable.
you know that confidence comes from having rehearsed and being well
prepared. You also know that confidence comes from seeing yourself as a
host. However, despite all this, you may still be experiencing
fear...The audiences recognise the signs: unstable voice (shaking),
nervous cough, throat clearing, difficulty in swallowing or breathing,
shaky hands betrayed by the trembling red dot of the laser beam on the
white screen, no eye contact, closed postures (arms folded across the
chest or hands clutched on the lectern), awareness of one’s body and in
particular these cumbersome dangling arms of ours, lifted tense
shoulders, rapid speech, unsmiling face, and ..." -- Jean-Luc Lebrun
Take a
preview of Jean-Luc Lebrun's When
The Scientist Presents - An Audio and Video Guide to
Science Talks.
for a limited time - a free chapter from this bestselling title - Chapter
9: THE GRABBING VOICE - Speak with Confidence (144k)
Book Series Highlight |
Centenary Lecture Series
"IISc Centenary Lecture Series" will comprise lectures by designated
Centenary Professors -- eminent teachers and researchers from all over
the world. Professor C N R Rao's book on "Trends in Chemistry of
Materials" is the first volume in this Series.
contribute to this book series, contact editor@xxxxxxxx
Published titles
in Chemistry of Materials
Selected Research Papers of C N R Rao
by C N R Rao
Foundations Of The Digital Wireless World
edited by Andrew J Viterbi
And Sustainable Food Security
Selected Papers of M S Swaminathan
by M S Swaminathan (M S Swaminathan Research Foundation,
Book Highlights |
Coming Soon
Notes on Statistics and Data Quality For Analytical
by Michael Thompson (Birkbeck, University of London, UK)
& Philip James Lowthian (Office for National Statistics, UK)
book is intended to help analytical chemists feel comfortable with the
commonly used statistical operations and help them make effective use
of the results. The emphasis is on computer-based methods that are
applied in relation to measurement and the quality of the resulting
data. The book is intended for analytical chemists working in industry
but is also appropriate for students taking first degrees or an MSc in
analytical chemistry.
New & Forthcoming Titles |
(2nd Edition)
by Richard G Compton (University of Oxford, UK) &
Craig E Banks (Manchester Metropolitan University, UK)
Catalytic Science Series - Vol. 9
of Syngas Preparation
by Jens Rostrup-Nielsen (Haldor Topsoe A/S, Denmark)
& Lars J Christiansen (Haldor Topsoe A/S, Denmark)
Statistical Science and
Interdisciplinary Research - Vol. 12
Trends In Surface And Colloid Science
edited by Bidyut K Paul (Indian Statistical Institute,
And Nuclear Dynamics In Molecular Systems
by Yuichi Fujimura (Tohoku University, Japan) &
Hirofumi Sakai (University of Tokyo, Japan)
Synthesis Via Examination Of Selected Natural Products
by David J Hart (The Ohio State University, USA)
Dynamics And Molecular Theory Of Carbon Plasmas And Vapors
Advances in the Understanding of the Most Complex High-Temperature
Elemental System
edited by Laszlo Nemes (Hungarian Academy of Sciences,
Hungary) & Stephan Irle (Nagoya University, Japan)
For Sustainable Energy
A Collection of Peer-Reviewed Research Papers and Review Articles from
Nature Publishing Group
edited by Vincent Dusastre (Nature Publishing Group, UK)
Chemistry Of Nanostructured Materials
Volume II
edited by Peidong Yang (University of California,
Berkeley, USA)
A Serious
Glance At Chemistry
Basic Notions Explained
by Milan Trsic (Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil) &
Evelyn Jeniffer de Lima Toledo (Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil)
Advanced Physical Inorganic Chemistry
The Learner's Approach
by Jeanne Tan (Raffles Junior College, Singapore) &
Kim Seng Chan (Raffles Junior College, Singapore)
The Limitless Ladder
A Life in Chemistry
by C N R Rao (Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced
Scientific Research, Bangalore, India)
Physical Chemistry
by Bruno Linder (Florida State University, USA)
Technology Selection in a Carbon Constrained World
by Duncan Seddon (Duncan Seddon & Associates Pty
Ltd, Australia)
With Examples for Nonequilibrium Processes
by Byung Chan Eu & Mazen Al-Ghoul (University of
Beirut, Lebanon)

Trends In Radiation Chemistry
edited by James F Wishart (Brookhaven National
Laboratory, USA) & BSM Rao (University of Pune, India)
To Physical Chemistry
(With CD-ROM)
by Gopala Krishna Vemulapalli (University of Arizona,
Notable Backlist |
Editor's Pick !
Lectures In Chemistry 2001 - 2005
edited by Per Ahlberg (G?teborg University, Sweden)
volume is a collection of the Nobel Lectures delivered by the
prizewinners, together with their biographies and the presentation
speeches at the award ceremonies in Stockholm for the period 2001 -
2005. Each Nobel Lecture is based on the work for which the laureate
was awarded the prize. This volume of inspiring lectures by outstanding
chemists and biochemists should be on the bookshelf of every keen
student, teacher and professor of chemistry as well as of those in
related fields.
Candid Science
More Conversations with Famous Chemists
by Istv¨¢n Hargittai (Budapest University of Technology
and Economics, Hungary) & edited by Magdolna Hargittai
In this
invaluable book, 36 famous chemists, including 18 Nobel laureates, tell
the reader about their lives in science, the beginnings of their
careers, their aspirations, and their hardships and triumphs. The
reader will learn about their seminal discoveries, and the
conversations in the book bring out the humanity of these great
scientists. Highlighted in the stories are the discovery of new
elements and compounds, the VSEPR model, computational chemistry,
organic synthesis, natural products, polysaccharides, supramolecular
chemistry, peptide synthesis, combinatorial chemistry, X-ray
crystallography, the reaction mechanism and kinetics, electron transfer
in small and large systems, non-equilibrium systems, oscillating
reactions, atmospheric chemistry, chirality, and the history of
General Interest |
The Nobel
A Century of Culinary History (1901-2001)
by Ulrica Soderlind (Stockholm University, Sweden)
Translated from the Swedish by Michael Knight
Nobel Banquets is not about Alfred Nobel's personal dining habits; it
is about his "gift to mankind" — the five original Nobel Prizes and the
festivities that are arranged every year to celebrate them...
the sample chapters for a preview:
of Contents (228k)
Nobel Prizes
And Life Sciences
by Erling Norrby (The Royal Swedish Academy of
Sciences, Sweden)
Nobel Prizes in natural sciences have developed to become a unique
measure of scientific excellence. Using archival documents, which have
been released (50 years secrecy) for scholarly work, the author
expertly traces the strengths and weaknesses of the Nobel system as
exemplified by individual prizes. Surveys of the more than 100 years
that the Prizes have been awarded are also presented.
The Environment And Climate Change
by Peter E Hodgson (University of Oxford, UK)
book is a comprehensive account of all significant energy sources,
evaluated according to their capacity, reliability, cost, safety and
effects on the environment. Non-renewable sources (for example, coal,
oil, gas and nuclear fuel) together with renewable sources like wood,
hydro, biomass, wind, solar, geothermal, ocean thermal, and tidal; are
considered. Also, nuclear radiations and the disposal of nuclear waste
and the future of nuclear power are assessed, as well as pollution and
acid rain, the greenhouse effects and climate change. Its social,
political and moral problems are discussed, with a special mention of
the opposition to nuclear power.
A Many-Splendored Thing
by Igor Novak (Charles Sturt University, Australia)
book provides the first integrated account of all factors which play a
role in making Science what it is today. The book discusses historical,
sociological and philosophical aspects of Science emphasizing their
interconnectedness. It describes many of the latest developments in
scientific practice as well old unsolved problems. The book aims to be
explanatory and stimulating rather than comprehensive. The book is an
overview of important issues and aims to present these issues in the
context of not only Society but of Science itself. One of the important
aims of the book is to clarify misconceptions about Science held by
general public or by scientists themselves. Science and scientists in
this book are presented in their true light, not as stereotyped by the
Journal Highlight |
Journal of
Theoretical and Computational Chemistry (JTCC)
Wei Wu
Xiamen University
JTCC's Impact
Factor has improved from 0.633 in 2008 to 0.958 in 2009!

This year, Journal of Theoretical and Computational
Chemistry (JTCC) celebrates its 18th year of publication. The Editors
would like to take this opportunity to let their peers and the
scientific community in general to explore and learn more about this
peer reviewed, ISI-indexed journal. You can now enjoy free
access to the articles of JTCC Volume 9 (2010) from June to December
2010. Do share this news with colleagues and students.
Journal of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry (JTCC) is an
international interdisciplinary journal, aimed at providing
comprehensive coverage on the latest developments of research in the
ever-expanding area of theoretical and computational chemistry and
their applications to broad scientific fields spanning physics,
chemistry, biology, materials, and so on.
your library have a subscription? If not, click here
to recommend this journal to your library. To request an institutional
trial to the journal, please have your librarian email trial@xxxxxxxx.
Conference Announcement |
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Publishing Co.
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