valued subscriber,
goal of scientific research is publication, but good scientists are not
always good writers and even native speakers of English sometimes have
difficulty when they write up their research...
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more from Professor Glasman-Deal's Science
Research Writing For Non-Native Speakers of English.
Available for a limited time - a free chapter from this bestselling
title - How
to Write an Introduction (301k).
Book Series Highlight |
On Photoconversion of Solar Energy
contribute to this book series, contact editor@xxxxxxxx
Published titles
Electricity from Photovoltaics
edited by Mary D Archer & Robert Hill
to Global Photosynthesis
edited by Mary D Archer & James Barber
and Photoelectrochemical Systems for Solar Photon Conversion
edited by Mary D Archer & Arthur J Nozik
Book Highlights |
Soon !!!
The Chemistry of Nanostructured Materials
Volume II
edited by Peidong Yang (University of California,
Berkeley, USA)
book is a sequel to the first volume of The Chemistry of Nanostructured
Materials. It covers the most exciting developments in the
nanostructured materials field for the past five to ten years, with a
particular focus on their applications in energy conversion and energy
storage. Prominent authors of recognized authority in the field
contribute their expertise in the review chapters.
New & Forthcoming Titles |
Wolf Prize
in Chemistry
An Epitome of Chemistry History in 20th Century
edited by Lou-Sing Kan (Academia Sinica, Taiwan) &
Sheng-Hsien Lin (Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
(2nd Edition)
by Richard G Compton (University of Oxford, UK) &
Craig E Banks (Manchester Metropolitan University, UK)
Dynamics and Molecular Theory of Carbon Plasmas And Vapors
Advances in the Understanding of the Most Complex High-Temperature
Elemental System
edited by Laszlo Nemes (Hungarian Academy of Sciences,
Hungary) & Stephan Irle (Nagoya University, Japan)
A Serious
Glance at Chemistry
Basic Notions Explained
by Milan Trsic (Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil) &
Evelyn Jeniffer de Lima Toledo (Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil)
Advanced Physical Inorganic Chemistry
The Learner's Approach
by Jeanne Tan (Raffles Junior College, Singapore) &
Kim Seng Chan (Raffles Junior College, Singapore)
The Limitless Ladder
A Life in Chemistry
by C N R Rao (Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced
Scientific Research, Bangalore, India)
Physical Chemistry
by Bruno Linder (Florida State University, USA)

Catalytic Science Series - Vol. 8
Technology Selection in a Carbon Constrained World
by Duncan Seddon (Duncan Seddon & Associates Pty
Ltd, Australia)
With Examples for Nonequilibrium Processes
by Byung Chan Eu & Mazen Al-Ghoul (University of
Beirut, Lebanon)

Trends in Radiation Chemistry
edited by James F Wishart (Brookhaven National
Laboratory, USA) & BSM Rao (University of Pune, India)

To Physical Chemistry
(With CD-ROM)
by Gopala Krishna Vemulapalli (University of Arizona,
Notable Backlist |

Topics In The Chemistry of Natural Products
edited by Raphael Ikan (Emeritus Professor, Hebrew
University of Jerusalem, Israel)
book covers the following topics of natural products: cannabinoids;
toxic constituents from marine sources; natural sweeteners; generation
of wines; biological markers; pheromones of insects and mammals; pest
management; and secondary natural chemicals formed by microorganisms.
It contains specialized work that describes the chemistry of separate
classes of compounds such as steroids, terpenes, alkaloids, sugars,
carotenoids, fatty acids and so on. It also includes data on compounds
isolated from various classes of organisms such as lichens, bacteria
and fungi, which are usually treated in special monographs. The topics
in this book are unlikely to be found in general chemistry courses.
Journal Highlight |
Prof. Sumio Iijima
Meijo University
The Impact
Factor for NANO in 2009 is 1.008. Many thanks for the hard
work put in by the Editorial Board and contributors of NANO.
is an international peer-reviewed journal for nanoscience and
nanotechnology that presents forefront fundamental research and new
emerging topics. It features timely scientific reports of new results
and technical breakthroughs and also contains interesting review
articles about recent hot issues.
your library have a subscription? If not, click here
to recommend this journal to your library. To request an institutional
trial to the journal, please have your librarian email trial@xxxxxxxx.
General Interests |
Hindsight and
Popular Astronomy
by Alan B Whiting (University of Birmingham, UK)
attempts to break away from the norm in this revolutionary review of
popular astronomy books written from 1833 to 1944. He examines these
important works by acknowledged authorities in the field to see how
they have stood the test of time. Where the luminaries have failed, he
looks for clues that the layman reader could have used to raise doubts
about what was being said. The aim of this highly accessible book is to
develop tools for the non-scientist to evaluate the strange and
marvelous results that astronomers report, in place of the
highly-developed scientific and mathematical techniques available to
the scientists themselves. A must-read for all science and astronomy
of Music
edited by F Clifford Rose (Imperial College School of
Medicine, UK)
first British book on neurology in music was published over 30 years
ago. Edited by Drs Macdonald Critchley and R A Henson, it was entitled
Music and the Brain (published by Wm Heinemann Medical Books), but all
of its contributors are now either retired or deceased. Since then,
there has been an increasing amount of research, and the present volume
includes the most significant of these advances.
The Nobel
A Century of Culinary History (1901-2001)
by Ulrica Soderlind (Stockholm University, Sweden)
Translated from the Swedish by Michael Knight
Nobel Banquets is not about Alfred Nobel's personal dining habits; it
is about his "gift to mankind" — the five original Nobel Prizes and the
festivities that are arranged every year to celebrate them...
the sample chapters for a preview:
of Contents (228k)
Nobel Prizes
And Life Sciences
by Erling Norrby (The Royal Swedish Academy of
Sciences, Sweden)
Nobel Prizes in natural sciences have developed to become a unique
measure of scientific excellence. Using archival documents, which have
been released (50 years secrecy) for scholarly work, the author
expertly traces the strengths and weaknesses of the Nobel system as
exemplified by individual prizes. Surveys of the more than 100 years
that the Prizes have been awarded are also presented.
The Environment And Climate Change
by Peter E Hodgson (University of Oxford, UK)
book is a comprehensive account of all significant energy sources,
evaluated according to their capacity, reliability, cost, safety and
effects on the environment. Non-renewable sources (for example, coal,
oil, gas and nuclear fuel) together with renewable sources like wood,
hydro, biomass, wind, solar, geothermal, ocean thermal, and tidal; are
considered. Also, nuclear radiations and the disposal of nuclear waste
and the future of nuclear power are assessed, as well as pollution and
acid rain, the greenhouse effects and climate change. Its social,
political and moral problems are discussed, with a special mention of
the opposition to nuclear power.
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