Chemistry of Nanostructured Materials (Volume II)
edited by Peidong Yang (University of California,
Berkeley, USA)
This book is a sequel to the first volume of The Chemistry of
Nanostructured Materials. It covers the most exciting developments in
the nanostructured materials field for the past five to ten years, with
a particular focus on their applications in energy conversion and
energy storage. Prominent authors of recognized authority in the field
contribute their expertise in the review chapters.
Assessment of Research and Development In Catalysis By Nanostructured
edited by Robert Davis (University of Virginia,
Catalyst technologies account for over $1 trillion of revenue in the
U.S. economy alone. The applications range from medicines and
alternative energy fuel cell technologies to the development of new and
innovative clothing fibers. In this book, a World Technology Evaluation
Center (WTEC) panel of eight experts in the field assesses the current
state of research and development in catalysis by nanostructured
materials, its sources of funding, and discusses the state of the field
with respect to productivity and leadership in various nations around
the world. In addition to showing the numerous and highly advantageous
practical applications of the field, the panel concludes that Western
Europe is currently the most productive region, followed closely by the
United States. Still, the research and development output of the
People's Republic of China has recently surpassed that of Japan and is
now poised to surpass that of the U.S. as well.
(2nd Edition)
by Richard G Compton (University of Oxford, UK)
& Craig E Banks (Manchester Metropolitan University, UK)
The power of electrochemical measurements in respect of thermodynamics,
kinetics and analysis is widely recognized but the subject can be
unpredictable to the novice even if they have a strong physical and
chemical background, especially if they wish to pursue the study of
quantitative measurements further. Accordingly, some significant
experiments are perhaps wisely never attempted while the literature is
sadly replete with flawed attempts at rigorous voltammetry.
This textbook considers how to go about designing, explaining and
interpreting experiments centered around various forms of voltammetry
(cyclic, microelectrode, hydrodynamic, etc.). The reader is assumed to
have attained a knowledge equivalent to Master's level of physical
chemistry but no exposure to electrochemistry in general, or
voltammetry in particular. While the book is designed to "stand alone",
references to important research papers are given to provide an
introductory entry into the literature.
Statistical Science and Interdisciplinary
Research - Vol. 12
Trends In Surface and Colloid Science
edited by Bidyut K Paul (Indian Statistical
Institute, India)
Colloid and surface science is a fascinating interdisciplinary field,
where modern development and knowledge of physics, chemistry, biology,
material science, pharmacy and engineering have been extensively
adopted, with ample scope for fundamental research and extensive
potential for application. The progress of research in this important
field has been remarkable during the last four decades, and it has
greatly benefited society. With a summary of recent advances in this
multifaceted field, Recent Trends in Surface and Colloid Science
provides critical information and presents the basic concepts of
organized systems in relation to their practical significance.
Dynamics and Molecular Theory of Carbon Plasmas and Vapors
Advances in the Understanding of the Most Complex High-Temperature
Elemental System
edited by László Nemes (Hungarian Academy of
Sciences, Hungary) & Stephan Irle (Nagoya University, Japan)
This book is a stop-gap contribution to the science and technology of
carbon plasmas and carbon vapors. It strives to cover two strongly
related fields: the molecular quantum theory of carbon plasmas and
carbon nanostructures; and the molecular and atomic spectroscopy of
such plasmas and vapors. These two fields of research are strongly
intertwined and thus reinforce one another.
A Serious
Glance At Chemistry
Basic Notions Explained
by Milan Trsic (Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil)
& Evelyn Jeniffer de Lima Toledo (Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil)
Topics in electronic structure of atoms and molecules, biochemistry,
chemical reactions, energy production and even modern topics such as
quantum chemistry and molecular orbital theory are covered
comprehensively, while eschewing the more complex mathematics and
technicalities. The authors, thus, place much emphasis on learning
concepts in this highly accessible work. At the same time, they have
taken care to highlight the pivotal role chemistry has to play in the
ongoing challenge of climate change. As the world continues to search
for alternative fuel and energy sources, this book discusses the
relative merits of the latest trends in alternative energy production,
and allows readers to draw their own conclusions on their viability.
Advanced Physical Inorganic Chemistry
The Learner's Approach
by Jeanne Tan (Raffles Junior College, Singapore)
& Kim Seng Chan (Raffles Junior College, Singapore)
Written for students taking the A-level examinations, this textbook
covers essential topics under the University of Cambridge stipulated
A-level chemistry syllabus. It is written in such a way as to guide the
reader through the understanding and applications of essential chemical
concepts by introducing a discourse feature - the asking and answering
of questions - that stimulates coherent thinking and hence, elucidates
ideas. Based on the Socratic Method, questions are implanted throughout
the book to help facilitate the reader's development in forming logical
conclusions of concepts. The book helps students to master fundamental
chemical concepts in a simple way.
The Limitless Ladder
A Life in Chemistry
by C N R Rao (Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced
Scientific Research, Bangalore, India)
This invaluable book is an autobiographical account of doing scientific
research in India. It provides an insight to the perseverance of a
scientist from a developing country. His relentless pursuit of
excellence in chemistry for more than half a century is a remarkable
source of inspiration to young scientists facing modern-day challenges.
Physical Chemistry
by Bruno Linder (Florida State University, USA)
This book is designed for a one-semester course, for undergraduates,
not necessarily chemistry majors, who need to know something about
physical chemistry. The emphasis is not on mathematical rigor, but
subtleties and conceptual difficulties are not hidden. It covers the
essential topics in physical chemistry, including the state of matter,
thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, phase and chemical equilibria,
introduction to quantum theory, and molecular spectroscopy.

Catalytic Science Series - Vol. 8
Technology Selection in a Carbon Constrained World
by Duncan Seddon (Duncan Seddon & Associates
Pty Ltd, Australia)
This compendium gives an overview of the technologies and economics in
the production of olefins in the petrochemical industries. It
highlights the options and costs for producing olefins using different
technologies and different feedstocks at a time when the cost of carbon
dioxide emissions are set to be included in the production cost.
Industry professionals, engineers, research scientists and financiers
will find this title a valuable resource.
With Examples for Nonequilibrium Processes
by Byung Chan Eu & Mazen Al-Ghoul (University
of Beirut, Lebanon)
Thermodynamics is an ever evolving subject. This book aims to introduce
to advanced undergraduate students and graduate students the
fundamental ideas and notions of the first and second laws of
thermodynamics in a manner unavailable in the usual textbooks on the
subject of thermodynamics. For example, it treats the notions of
unavailable work, compensated and uncompensated heats, and dissipation,
which make it possible to formulate the thermodynamic laws in more
broadened forms than those in the conventional treatment of equilibrium
thermodynamics. It thus strives to prepare students for more advanced
subjects of irreversible processes, which are encountered in our
everyday scientific activities. In addition, it also aims to provide
them with functional and practical knowledge of equilibrium chemical
thermodynamics of reversible processes in real fluids. It discusses
temperature, work and heat, thermodynamic laws, equilibrium conditions
and thermodynamic stability, thermodynamics of reversible processes in
gases and liquids, in surfaces, chemical equilibria, reversible
processes in electrolyte solutions and dielectrics in static electric
and magnetic fields. A couple of examples for irreversible processes
associated with fluid flows and chemical pattern formation and wave
propagations are discussed as examples for applications of broader
treatments of the thermodynamic laws in the realm of irreversible

Trends In Radiation Chemistry
edited by James F Wishart (Brookhaven National
Laboratory, USA) & BSM Rao (University of Pune, India)
Recent Trends in Radiation Chemistry is a state-of-the-art review
of the present status and future trends in the field of radiation
chemistry research. It covers a broad spectrum of topics, ranging from
the historical perspective, instrumentation of accelerators in the
nanosecond to femtosecond region, through the use of radiation chemical
methods in the study of antioxidants and nanomaterials,
radiation-induced DNA damage by ionizing radiation involving both
direct and indirect effects, to ultrafast events in free electron
transfer, radiation-induced processes at solid-liquid interfaces and
the recent work on infrared spectroscopy and radiation chemistry.
Entropy and The Second Law of Thermodynamics
A Playful Way of Discovering a Law of Nature
by Arieh Ben-Naim (The Hebrew University of
Jerusalem, Israel)
This is a sequel to the author's book entitled "Entropy Demystified"
(Published by World Scientific, 2007). The aim is essentially the same
as that of the previous book by the author: to present Entropy and the
Second Law as simple, meaningful and comprehensible concepts. In
addition, this book presents a series of "experiments" which are
designed to help the reader discover entropy and the Second Law. While
doing the experiments, the reader will encounter three most fundamental
probability distributions featuring in Physics: the Uniform, the
Boltzmann and the Maxwell-Boltzmann distributions. In addition, the
concepts of entropy and the Second Law will emerge naturally from these
experiments without a tinge of mystery. These concepts are explained
with the help of a few familiar ideas of probability and information
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Order and
Science Essentials for the Non-Scientist
by Myron Kaufman (Emory University, USA)
Order and Disorder is a non-mathematical introduction to the most
important ideas in science for university students not majoring in a
scientific area. The objective is to prepare non-science students for
making both life and political decisions involving science and helping
them to understand the advances in sciences as covered and reported in
the mass media. The book is highly comprehensive in physics and
chemistry, and provides the essential background to discuss and gain a
better appreciation of selected topics in biological and neurological
sciences, as well as astronomy and geology. The topics are integrated
with the recurring theme of order and disorder, the organization
achieved in the face of the never-ending drive towards disorganization.
The book also lends an insight into some considerations of the
philosophy of science, as well as the applications of science to health
and a variety of other professions. The reading experience is enhanced
by the provision of illuminating examples, supplementary reading and a
summary of each chapter. New terminologies, that appear here for the
first time, are set off in bold italics and annotated in the glossary.
Where basic principles are introduced and explained, these are
highlighted prominently in bold for ease of reference. Stimulating
discussion questions are presented at the end of each chapter, giving
readers some food for thought.
A Many-Splendored Thing
by Igor Novak (Charles Sturt University, Australia)
This book provides the first integrated account of all factors which
play a role in making Science what it is today. The book discusses
historical, sociological and philosophical aspects of Science
emphasizing their interconnectedness. It describes many of the latest
developments in scientific practice as well old unsolved problems. The
book aims to be explanatory and stimulating rather than comprehensive.
The book is an overview of important issues and aims to present these
issues in the context of not only Society but of Science itself. One of
the important aims of the book is to clarify misconceptions about
Science held by general public or by scientists themselves. Science and
scientists in this book are presented in their true light, not as
stereotyped by the media.

Speaking Technically
A Handbook for Scientists, Engineers and Physicians on How to Improve
Technical Presentations
by Sinclair Goodlad (Imperial College)
This is a concise guide for anyone who has ever found the prospect of
speaking technically to be daunting.
The author draws upon his observations of people speaking technically
in after-dinner speeches; conference presentations; coping with
visitors; inaugural lectures; industrial presentations; industrial
tourism; lectures to students; presentations to funding bodies; project
reports; public inquiries; school talks; section and departmental
meetings; telephone calls and consultations.

Enjoy Writing Your Science Thesis or Dissertation!
by Daniel Holtom (Imperial College) &
Elizabeth Fisher (Imperial College)
Enjoy Writing Your Science Thesis or Dissertation! is a complete
guide to good dissertation and thesis writing. It is written in an
accessible style with cartoons and real-life anecdotes to liven up the
text. It outlines the rules and conventions of scientific writing --
particularly for dissertations and theses -- and gives the reader
practical advice about planning, writing, editing, presenting, and
submitting a successful dissertation or thesis. Enjoy Writing Your
Science Thesis or Dissertation! can be used as either a guide from day
one of the degree course or as a quick reference life-jacket when
deadlines are looming.

Plasma Polymer Films
edited by Hynek Biederman (Charles University,
Czech Republic)
Polymer Films examines the current status of the deposition and
characterization of fluorocarbon-, hydrocarbon- and silicon-containing
plasma polymer films and nanocomposites, with plasma polymer matrix. It
introduces plasma polymerization process diagnostics such as optical
emission spectroscopy (OES, AOES), and describes special deposition
techniques such as atmospheric pressure glow discharge. Important
issues for applications such as degradation and stability are treated
in detail, and structural characterization, basic electrical and
optical properties and biomedical applications are discussed.

Series on Neutron Techniques and
Applications - Vol. 3
Spectroscopy With Neutrons
With Applications in Chemistry, Biology, Materials Science and
by Philip C H Mitchell (University of Reading,
UK), Stewart F Parker (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK), Anibal J
Ramirez-Cuesta (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK), & John
Tomkinson (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK)
"This book provides a very good account of the
principles and applications of Inelastic Neutron Scattering (INS) as a
vibrational spectroscopic technique, without assuming a high level of
background knowledge. It is a piece of work factually novel and done
properly, which meets the needs of graduate students as well as both
users and potential users of inelastic neutron spectroscopy at academic
and research institutions. On the whole the book is quite clearly
written, the subject matter rather well developed and the applications
of the INS well described in a wide range of materials and problems."--Notiziario
Neutroni e Luce di Sincrotrone
Inelastic neutron scattering (INS) is a spectroscopic technique in
which neutrons are used to probe the dynamics of atoms and molecules in
solids and liquids. This book is the first, since the late 1960s, to
cover the principles and applications of INS as a
vibrational-spectroscopic technique. It provides a hands-on account of
the use of INS, concentrating on how neutron vibrational spectroscopy
can be employed to obtain chemical information on a range of materials
that are of interest to chemists, biologists, materials scientists,
surface scientists and catalyst researchers. This is an accessible and
comprehensive single-volume primary text and reference source.
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