Lectures on Quantum Theory
by Chris J Isham |
Green's Functions for Solid State Physicists
by S Doniach
& E H Sondheimer |
Computing Boolean Statistical Models
by P M C de Oliveira |
Physics of Nonneutral Plasmas
by Ronald C Davidson |
Elementary Course on the Continuum Theory
for Nematic Liquid Crystals, An
by G Barbero
& L R Evangelista |
Physics of Intense Charged Particle Beams in
High Energy Accelerators
by Ronald C Davidson
& Hong Qin |
Effective Field Approach to Phase
Transitions and Some Applications to Ferroelectrics
by Julio A Gonzalo |
Massive Neutrinos in Physics and Astrophysics
by Rabindra N Mohapatra & Palash B Pal |
Relations of Particles, The
by Lev B Okun |
Low-Dimensional Organic Conductors
by Andrzej Graja |
Euclidean Quantum Gravity
edited by G W Gibbons
& S W Hawking |
Mathematical Problems of Statistical
edited by Ya G Sinai |
Modern Introduction to Particle Physics, A
by Fayyazuddin & Riazuddin |
Lectures in Particle Physics
by Dan Green |
Career in Theoretical Physics, A
by P W Anderson |
From Black Clouds to Black Holes
by Jayant V Narlikar |
Quantum Many-Body Systems in One Dimension
by Zachary N C Ha |
Newtonian Electrodynamics
by Peter Graneau
& Neal Graneau |
Chaos and Structures in Nonlinear Plasmas
by W Horton
& Y-H Ichikawa |
Spin Dynamics and Snakes in Synchrotrons
by S Y Lee |
Special Relativity
by U E Schröder |
Physical Properties of High Temperature
Superconductors V
edited by
Donald M Ginsberg |
Lecture Notes on Quantum Mechanics
by Samuel D Lindenbaum |
Statistical Mechanics
by David Ruelle |
Einstein's Relativity and Beyond
by Jong-Ping Hsu |
Quantum Scaling in Many-Body Systems
by Mucio A Continentino |
Supersymmetry in Quantum Mechanics
by Fred Cooper, Avinash Khare & Uday Sukhatme |
Introduction to Quantum Field Theory
by Shau-Jin Chang |