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September 2011
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Book Series
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Advanced Series In Physical
Series Editor:
Cheuk-Yiu Ng, University of
California at Davis, USA
The goal of this book
series is to publish selected graduate
texts and stand-alone review
monographs with specific themes,
focusing on modern topics and new
developments in experimental and
theoretical physical chemistry and
chemical physics. In review chapters,
the authors are encouraged to provide
a section on future developments and
needs. The thematic coherence and
depth of each volume in this series
are what distinguish it from the
several other book series already
existing in physical chemistry.
Forthcoming title:
17: Conical Intersections
Theory, omputation and Experiment
edited by Wolfgang Domcke, David R
Yarkony & Horst KÃppel
Handbook of Porphyrin Science
With Applications to Chemistry, Physics,
Materials Science, Engineering, Biology
and Medicine
edited by Karl M Kadish
(University of Houston, USA), Kevin
M Smith (Louisiana State University,
USA) & Roger Guilard (UniversitÃ
de Bourgogne, France)
interested in the
biological and
chemical properties of
porphyrins and related
macrocycles will want
to own the Handbook.
The editors have done
a terrific job in
linking together the
volumes in this very
valuable resource for
investigators in the
chemical and
biological sciences."
-- Harry B Gray, Wolf
Laureate, Chemistry,
California Institute of
Technology, USA
- Volume 1: Supramolecular
- Volume 2: Synthesis and
Coordination Chemistry
- Volume 3: Synthetic Methodology
- Volume 4: Phototherapy,
Radioimmunotherapy and Imaging
- Volume 5: Heme Proteins
- Volume 6: NMR and EPR Techniques
- Volume 7: Physicochemical
- Volume 8: Open-Chain Oligopyrrole
- Volume 9: Electronic Absorption
Spectra -- Phthalocyanines
- Volume 10: Catalysis and
Bio-Inspired Systems - Part I
- Volume 11: Catalysis and
Bio-Inspired Systems - Part II
- Volume 12: Applications
- Volume 13: Synthesis and
Structural Studies
- Volume 14: Theoretical, Electron
Transfer and Physical Studies
- Volume 15: Biochemistry of
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Scientific Series in
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
Molecular Cluster Magnets
edited by Richard Winpenny (The
University of Manchester, UK)
This work covers new
developments in the field of molecular
nanomagnetism, complementing previous
books in this area (for example the
volume by Gatteschi, Sessoli and
Villain on Single Molecule Magnets).
The book is written by experts in the
field and is intended as a compilation
of critical reviews of new areas
rather than a comprehensive text.
A Textbook
by Gautam R Desiraju (Indian
Institute of Science), Jagadese J
Vittal (National University of
Singapore), & Arunachalam Ramanan
(Indian Institute of Technology Delhi)
This book is important
because it is the first textbook in an
area that has become very popular in
recent times. There are around 250
research groups in crystal engineering
worldwide today. The subject has been
researched for around 40 years but
there is still no textbook at the
level of senior undergraduates and
beginning PhD students. This book is
expected to fill this gap.
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New &
Forthcoming Titles |
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Advances in Computational
Chemistry - Vol. 5
Advances In Relativistic Molecular
edited by Kimihiko Hirao (The
University of Tokyo, Japan) &
Yasuyuki Ishikawa (University at
Puerto Rico, USA)
Relativistic effects,
though minor in light atoms, increase
rapidly in magnitude as the atomic
number increases. For heavy atom
species, it becomes necessary to
discard the SchrÃdinger equation in
favor of the Dirac equation.
Construction of an effective many-body
Hamiltonian that accurately accounts
for both relativistic and electron
correlation effects in many-electron
systems is a challenge. It is only in
the past 20-25 years that relativistic
quantum chemistry has emerged as a
field of research in its own right,
and it seems certain that relativistic
many-electron calculations of
molecular properties will assume
increasing importance in the years
ahead as relativistic quantum
chemistry finds a wider range of

Scientific Lecture and Course
Notes in Chemistry - Vol. 8
Introduction To
Dynamic Spin Chemistry
Magnetic Field Effects on Chemical and
Biochemical Reactions
by Hisaharu Hayashi (RIKEN, The
Institute of Physical and Chemical
Research, Japan)
This book presents a
detailed account of one of the most
mysterious problems in science -
whether ordinary magnetic fields can
exert an appreciable influence on
chemical and biochemical reactions.
The first aim of the book is to
introduce this research, through
theoretical and dynamic spin
chemistry, to graduate students and
researchers, by means of detailed
theoretical and experimental
descriptions. The second aim is to
review typical recent investigations,
which will stimulate new interest and
applications in the 21st century.
Because dynamic spin chemistry is
based on established science, it is
expected to provide a guide for all
situations in which radicals, radical
pairs, and higher spin species occur,
including the effects of environmental
electromagnetic fields on the human

Basic Chemical
(Fifth Edition)
by E Brian Smith (Former Master of St
Catherine's College, Oxford, UK &
Vice-Chancellor of Cardiff University,
Over five editions, the
views of teachers of the subject and
their students have been incorporated.
The result is a little more rigour in
specifying the dimensions within
logarithmic expressions, the addition
of more worked examples and the
inclusion of a simple treatment of the
molecular basis of thermodynamics.
Students on courses in thermodynamics
will continue to find this popular
book an excellent introductory text.

Scientific Series in
Contemporary Chemical Physics -
Vol. 23
Liquid Crystals,
Laptops and Life
by Michael R Fisch (Kent State
University, USA)
Liquid Crystals, Laptops
and Life connects the laptop
computer with life itself via liquid
crystals, the phases of matter
essential to both. In the process it
provides an integrated introduction to
those parts of chemistry and physics
that are necessary for understanding
the basic science and technology
embedded in the laptop and in life.
This book can be understood by
students with a good background in
high school chemistry and physics; yet
it can also serve as a primer for
scientists who are not well versed in
the areas covered.
Support Vector
Machine In Chemistry
by Nianyi Chen, Wencong Lu (Shanghai
University, China), Jie Yang &
Guozheng Li (Shanghai Jiao Tong
University, China)
In recent years, the
support vector machine (SVM), a new
data processing method, has been
applied to many fields of chemistry
and chemical technology. Compared with
some other data processing methods,
SVM is especially suitable for solving
problems of small sample size, with
superior prediction performance. SVM
is fast becoming a powerful tool of
chemometrics. This book provides a
systematic approach to the principles
and algorithms of SVM, and
demonstrates the application examples
of SVM in QSAR/QSPR work, materials
and experimental design, phase diagram
prediction, modeling for the optimal
control of chemical industry, and
other branches in chemistry and
chemical technology.
A Guide To
Chalcogen-Nitrogen Chemistry
by Tristram Chivers (University of
Calgary, Canada)
each chapter is designed to be
self-contained, there is detailed
cross-referencing between them ...
the focused nature of the chapters
together with an adequate subject
index makes finding particular
compounds relatively easy ... the
introductory chapters will be of
significant interest to upper
level undergraduates as well as to
graduate students ... The
comprehensive listing of reactions
and reaction types found in the
later chapters will be of more
benefit to specialists in the
arena of main group chemistry.
This modestly priced resource
should be a welcome addition to
researchers in the field or to
those interested in entering the
-- Journal of the American
Chemical Society
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Journal of Computational Materials
Science and Engineering (IJCMSE)
Teng Yong NG , Nanyang
Technological University, Singapore
Zishun LIU , A*STAR
Institute of High Performance
Computing, Singapore
Yuan Ping FENG , National
University of Singapore, Singapore
The journal aims to promote
international exchange of new
knowledge and recent developments in
all aspects of computational materials
science and engineering, featuring the
most advanced mathematical modeling
and numerical methodology
Journal of
Theoretical and Computational
Chemistry (JTCC)
Wei Wu , Xiamen University
The Journal of
Theoretical and Computational
Chemistry (JTCC) is an
international interdisciplinary
journal, aimed at providing
comprehensive coverage on the latest
developments of research in the
ever-expanding area of theoretical and
computational chemistry and their
applications to broad scientific
fields spanning physics, chemistry,
biology, materials, and so on.
10, Issue: 4 (August 2011)
of The Collision Energy On
Stereodynamics of The F + Lih (v
= 0, j = 0) â LiF + H Reaction
Tao Wang and Xiangyang Miao
and Diffusion Processes of
Polyethylene On Silicon (111)
Surface Studied By Molecular
Dynamics Simulation
Dan Mu and Yi-Han Zhou
Atom Model Approach For
Describing C60 Interaction
Energy In Molecular Mechanics
Teik-Cheng Lim
Does your library have a
subscription? If not, click here
to recommend this journal to
your library. To request an
institutional trial to the
journal, please have your
librarian email trial@xxxxxxxx.
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