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Seminario ICF-UNAM, Jueves 14 de Enero 2010

Estimados Todos,
(mensaje sin acentos)

La intencion del Seminario Interno es promover el trabajo de nuestros colegas, asi como fomentar colaboraciones interdiciplinarias en nuestra institucion. El Seminario Interno del Instituto de Ciencias Fisicas de la UNAM, campus Morelos sera impartido por el

Dr. Thomas Gilbert,
Service de Physique des Systmes Complexes et Mcanique Statistique
Universit Libre de Bruxelles
Profesor visitante ICF-UNAM

con el titulo:
Equilibrium and non-equilibrium Galton boards

Galton boards are models of deterministic diffusion in a uniform external field, akin to driven periodic Lorentz gases, which are here considered in the absence of dissipation mechanism. By considering a cylindrical geometry with axis along the direction of the external field, the two-dimensional board becomes a model for one-dimensional mass transport along the direction of the external field. Equilibrium and non-equilibrium stationary states arise, depending on the specific choice of boundary conditions at the ends of the cylinder. While the former is associated to a closed board and has a uniform invariant measure, the latter is associated to an open board with the two ends in contact with particle reservoirs and has a fractal invariant measure. Numerical results are presented in support of this claim. A correspondence is established between the local phase-space statistics and their macroscopic counter-part. Analytical results are obtained for the statistics of multi-baker maps associated to such a non-uniform diffusion process and the fractality of the invariant state related to the positivity of the entropy production rate.

Este Jueves 14 de Enero, a las 17:30 horas Auditorio del ICF.

Esperando contar con su asistencia, me despido enviandoles un cordial saludo.

Dr. Remigio Cabrera-Trujillo    |  Investigador
Instituto de Ciencias Fisicas,  |  Tel: (+52) 777 329 1757 (direct)
UNAM, Cuernavaca AP 48-3        |       (+52) 777 313 6915 (secretary)
Morelos, Mexico 62210           |  http://www.fis.unam.mx/~trujillo