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SÃlo para ingenieros

Estimados colegas y amigos:

Un colega nos comparte la siguiente interesante informacion: "En la Ciudad de Guadalajara en al ano 1965, era muy comentada la hazana del Ing. Matute Remus de haber movido el Edificio de la Telefonica Â12 metros! para efecto de la ampliacion de la Avenida Juarez. Algunos considerabamos este hecho como una "leyenda urbana"; lo curioso es que en la escuela de arquitectura nunca se dio ni siquiera una breve charla al respecto. Recientemente gracias a la maravilla del Internet, me encuentre la nota en la presentacion anexa y mejor aun, una secuencia fotografica de los hechos los cuales se realizaron en tan solo 6 dias y sin suspender los trabajos en el interior del edificio. Casi podria asegurar que las nuevas generaciones no tienen la menor idea de lo que representa la estatua del ingeniero empujando el Edificio de la Telefonica."

ÂReconocimiento a un mexicano ilustre!

Agradezco las contribuciones y opiniones enviadas.

No. de ingenieros en la lista de distribucion: 406

No. de envio: 46

Bienvenidos comentarios sobre los envios.

Nota: este correo no tiene acentos.

Saludos y Âque tengan un excelente fin de semana!


Comentarios sobre el envio 45:

El 02/07/11 08:59 p.m., Raul Ricardo Diaz Contreras escribio:
Agradezco mucho el envio de este tipo de informacion que de verdad es sumamente interesante y he disfrutado mucho, incluso conocer los avances sobre la estructuracion de los diferentes modulos de la estacion espacial.
Raul Ricardo Diaz


El 02/07/11 12:42 p.m., garcia_lignan@xxxxxxxxx escribiÃÂ:

Estimado Arnoldo:
Como Ingeniero Industrial (con MaestrÃÂaÃÂen AdministraciÃÂn Industrial en CanadÃÂ), debo decirte que la definiciÃÂn "concepto moderno de IngenierÃÂa Industrial", como lo comenta uno de tus corresponsales, ÃÂno es una definiciÃÂn moderna, ya que data de 1955, cuando Harold B. Maynard la publicÃÂ en su muy famoso manual de IngenierÃÂa IndustrialÃÂen inglÃÂs (que era para los ingenieros industriales la Biblia de la carrera): "Industrial Engineering Handbook".

Mucho antes que eso,ÃÂ Maynard publicÃÂÃÂÃÂen 1940 laÃÂTercera Ed., McGraw-Hill,ÃÂ de su libro: "Estudio de Tiempos y Movimientos e Incentivos Salariales". Como es fÃÂcil observar, el autor de la definiciÃÂn arriba comentada ya no es un buenÃÂreferente, ni es conveniente mencionarlo por lo antiguo (mÃÂs de 57 aÃÂos) de sus conceptos.ÃÂYa noÃÂes una autoridad en IngenierÃÂa Industrial, desde 1980.

Ing. Salvador GarcÃÂa LiÃÂÃÂn

El 02/07/11 01:04 p.m., J. Arnoldo Bautista Corral escribiÃÂ:
Hola Salvador, te comparto algunas definiciones vigentes de ingenierÃÂa industrial. No difieren mucho de la mencionada en el envio....

The American Engineers' Council for Professional Development (ECPD, the predecessor of ABET)[1] has defined "engineering" as:
[T]he creative application of scientific principles to design or develop structures, machines, apparatus, or manufacturing processes, or works utilizing them singly or in combination; or to construct or operate the same
with full cognizance of their design; or to forecast their behavior under specific operating conditions; all as respects an intended function, economics of operation and safety to life and property.

Definition and Nature of the Work
Industrial engineers determine the most effective ways to use the basic factors of productionÃÂÂpeople, machines, materials, information, and energyÃÂÂto make a product. They are primarily concerned with increasing productivity through the management of people, methods of business organization, and technology. To solve organizational, production, and related problems efficiently, industrial engineers carefully study the product requirements, use mathematical methods to meet those requirements, and design manufacturing and information systems. They develop management control systems to aid in financial planning and cost analysis, and design production planning and control systems to coordinate activities and ensure product quality. They also design or improve systems for the physical distribution of goods and services, as well as determining the most efficient plant locations. Industrial engineers develop wage and salary administration systems and job evaluation programs. Many industrial engineers move into management positions because the work is closely related to the work of managers Industrial engineers must be good at solving problems. They must combine their technical knowledge with a sense of human capabilities and limitations. They should be able to organize many details into a broad view of the total operations and organization of a company. Although much of their work is done independently, industrial engineers must also be able to cooperate with other engineers, technicians, and managers. They must be able to talk with production workers and be willing to understand their concerns. Since they may present their plans in the form of written reports or oral presentations, industrial engineers must have good communication skills.

Industrial Engineering Definition
Discipline of utilizing and coordinating humans, machines, and materials to attain a desired output rate with the optimumutilization of energy, knowledge, money, and time. It employs certain techniques (such as floor layouts, personnel organization, time standards, wage rates, incentive payment plans) to control the quantity and quality of goods and services produced.

Definition of Industrial engineering
Noun. The branch of engineering that deals with the creation and management of systems that integrate people and materials and energy in productive ways.

Bibliography >Industrial Engineering
What is industrial engineering?

The field of industrial engineering has had many definitions given to it. Most of the definitions include all of the same elements stated in slightly different ways. For example:

The Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) defines industrial engineering as:"...the profession in which a knowledge of the mathematical and natural sciences gained by study, experience and practice is applied with judgment to develop ways to utilize economically, the materials and forces of nature for the benefit of mankind."

ÃÂ[1]The American Institute of Industrial Engineers (AIIE) defines industrial engineering as:ÃÂ "concerned with the design, improvement and installation of integrated systems of people, materials, equipment and energy. It draws upon specialized knowledge and skill in the mathematical, physical and social sciences together with the principles and methods of engineering analysis and design to specify, predict and evaluate the results to be obtained from such systems. [1]"

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