Blog de Luis Mochán

Blog de Luis Mochán.

Blog de Luis Mochán del Instituto de Ciencias Físicas.

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Luis Mochán
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  • Thu, 31 Dec 2009

    Biking from Cuernavaca to Mexico City

    Today I biked from Cuernavaca to Mexico City with my son. The route is here. We started from avenida Zapata in the north of Cuernavaca. We followed the street La Nacional, threading the Federal Road to Mexico at nine crossing points until, one hour later, we reached the start of the road to Huitzilac. This consists of about 4 km. of a grade 8-14 road. It took us about another hour to reach Huitzilac, where I enjoyed a delicious fresh orange and carrot juice. We continued our way for another hour until we reached Tres Marías. From there on we followed a dirt road along the old railroad tracks. After about one hour we reached the very small town of Fierro del Toro . A small distance afterward we crossed the border into the Federal District and reached the bike path (la ciclopista, constructed by the goberment of the Federal District when headed by Andrés Manuel López Obrador, and quite well kept. The way was easygoing afterwards with some magnificent views of the Cerro Pelado, of México City, of El Ajusco. We went across some impressive lava fields. We ended our tour in the Periférico where my wife picked us up. The tour took seven and a half hours.

    Everything would have been very nice, were it not for the fact that, for the first time in my life I was assaulted at gun point. About 2km. before reaching Fierro del Toro I was riding alone (my son started his ride later, as he is in better physical condition) and quite slowly as I was tired and climbing on a dirt road. Suddenly a guy came running after me shouting something which I didn't understand. It turned out he was armed with a pistol and he was followed by another guy. They didn't act violently and they only took my bag of tools, my cell phone and 300 pesos. They even gave me back my keys and my compass. I didn't feel nervous until they left and I realized my son was following me. Fortunately, he didn't meet them.

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