Blog de Luis Mochán

Blog de Luis Mochán.

Blog de Luis Mochán del Instituto de Ciencias Físicas.

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Luis Mochán
GPG id: DD344B85
Fingerprint: 2ADC B65A 5499 C2D3 4A3B 93F3 AE20 0F5E DD34 4B85

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  • Sat, 02 Jan 2010

    Medical instrumentation

    I spent all morning today in the hospital, as a very close person required a series of studies: a choice between nuclear magnetic resonance 3D image of the brain and computerized axial tomography (CAT) angiography and doppler angiography. Nearby there was a positron-electron tomography (PET) unit. These techniques haver revolutionized medicine, but many people ignore that they exploit a lot of sophisticated modern physics. I have a MD friend who, even though he analyzes PET scans routinely, he was unaware that the PET unit works with antimatter; of course, he didn't know anything about integral transforms and their use for 3D imaging in all kinds of equipment. It would be nice if a series of papers were written relating advances in basic physics and mathematics to advances in medicine. It would be useful to show that physics research is important not only for yielding more efficient industrial processes, but also for helping to alleviate human suffering.

    Cargado a las 21:27 en /mochan/varios / nmr20100101, | Etiquetas: , , , , , , , , | liga permanente

    Belkin wifi routers should be avoided
    I have an old Belkin f5d6231-4 ver 2000 wireless router. Every now and then, when I try to load a page in my browser it loads belkin's site instead. Their interception of my internet traffic is or should be illegal, and is of course immoral. Besides being annoying, it may interrupt communication with cgi scripts and it breaks non-intractive network use. Besides, they could 'listen' to private information not meant for them. My recommendation is never buy from Belkin.

    Cargado a las 20:37 en /mochan/varios / belkin20100101, | Etiquetas: , , , | liga permanente

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