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Coloquio Instituto de Ciencias Físicas

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Estimados Colegas,

Nuestro Coloquio de esta semana, estara a cargo de la Dra. Lisa Kaltenegger
del Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. El titulo de su charla es:

"Earth: a Rosetta Stone for the Search of Earth-Like Worlds and Moons"
Esperamos contar con su amable presencia el dia de mañana miercoles
11 de agosto a las 5:30 PM en el auditorio del Instituto de Ciencias
Fisicas de la UNAM- Campus Morelos.


Jorge Hernandez Cobos y Angel Romo Uribe.

Spectroscopy of Earth-like exoplanets is a potential tool for habitability screening. Transiting planets are present-day "Rosetta Stones" for understanding extrasolar planets because they offer the possibility to characterize giant planet atmospheres and should provide an access to biomarkers in the atmospheres of Earth-like exoplanets, once they are detected. Using the Earth itself as a proxy we show the potential and limits of spectroscopy to detect biomarkers on an Earth-like exoplanet or Moon.
This talk will focus on the cross-disciplinary connection between 
planetary science, biology and astronomy. The observational features of 
the planet are used to derive observable quantities to explore if our 
concept of habitability is correct and how we can find the first 
habitable new worlds in the sky.