valued subscriber,
flourishing scientific career is strengthened by a sustained flow of
oral presentations. And this is where most scientists may wish that,
like bees, they were equipped with a social gene enabling them to dance
uninhibited in front of an audience avid for new sources of ideas.
(at least so far) nobody has identified a presentation gene in our DNA.
Presentation skills, even though they appear native in those who
flourish, are not found in the human genome...
(extracted from author- Jean-Luc Lebrun's
blog at http://scientific-presentations.com)
about Five
Slide Types, Five Roles (669k) from When The
Scientist Presents - An Audio and Video Guide to Science Talks
Book Series Highlight |
And Energy
and sustainability are key words driving current science and
technology. Concerns about the environment and the supply of fossil
fuel have driven researchers to explore technological solutions seeking
alternative means of energy supply and storage. New materials and
material structures are at the very core of this research endeavor. The
search for cleaner, cheaper, smaller and more efficient energy
technologies is intimately connected to the discovery and the
development of new materials.
collection focuses on materials-based solutions to the energy problem
through a series of case studies illustrating advances in
energy-related materials research. The research studies employ
creativity, discovery, rationale design and improvement of the physical
and chemical properties of materials leading to new paradigms for
competitive energy-production. The challenge tests both our fundamental
understanding of material and our ability to manipulate and reconfigure
materials into practical and useful configurations. Invariably these
materials issues arise at the nano-scale!
electricity generation dramatic breakthroughs are taking place in the
fields of solar cells and fuel cells. The former giving rise to
entirely new classes of semiconductors; the latter testing our
knowledge of the behavior of ionic transport through a solid medium. In
energy-storage exciting developments are emerging from the fields of
rechargeable batteries and hydrogen storage. On the horizon are
breakthroughs in thermoelectrics, high temperature superconductivity,
and power generation. Still to emerge are the harnessing of systems
that mimic nature, ranging from fusion, as in the sun, to
photosynthesis, nature's photovoltaic. All of these approaches
represent a body of materials–based research employing the most
sophisticated experimental and theoretical techniques dedicated to a
common goal. The aim of this series is to capture these advances,
through a collection of volumes authored by leading physicists,
chemists, biologists and engineers that represent the forefront of
energy-related materials research.
Forthcoming Titles
- Characterization of Photovoltaic Materials, Angus
Rockett (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)
- Photovoltaic Materials, 2nd, revised and updated Ed
, Martin Zinke-Allmang (University of Western Ontario)
- Organic Semiconductors, Vol 2: Applications,
Jean-Luc Bredas, Seth Marder and Jean-Marie Andre (Georgia
Institute of Technology)
- Encyclopedia of Practical Semiconductors, Eugene A.
Fitzerad (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Lecture Notes in Photovoltaics, Jeffrey Grossman (University
of California)
- Handbook of Characterization Techniques of
Nanostructured Semiconductors, Richard Haight (IBM T.J. Watson
Research Center)
- Handbook of Silicon Surfaces and Formation of
Interfaces: Basic Science in the Industrial World. 2nd, Updated,
revised and expanded Edition, Jarek Dabrowski and Hans-Joachim Muessig (Institute
for Semiconductor Research)
- Handbook of Compound Semiconductor Processing, Jerry
M. Woodall (Purdue University)
- Conjugated Polymers, Michael J. Winokur (University
of Wisconsin at Madison)
Title Highlight |
Handbook Of Porphyrin Science
With Applications to Chemistry, Physics, Materials Science,
Engineering, Biology and Medicine
by Karl M Kadish (University of Houston, USA), Kevin M
Smith (Louisiana State University, USA) & Roger Guilard (Universite
de Bourgogne, France)
Volumes 1–5
porphyrins are currently employed as platforms for study of theoretical
principles and applications in a wide variety of fields, the Handbook
of Porphyrin Science represents a timely ongoing series dealing in
detail with the synthesis, chemistry, physicochemical and medical
properties and applications of polypyrrole macrocycles. Professors Karl
Kadish, Kevin Smith and Roger Guilard are internationally recognized
experts in the research field of porphyrins, each having his own
separate area of expertise in the field. Between them, they have
published over 1500 peer-reviewed papers and edited more than three
dozen books on diverse topics of porphyrins and phthalocyanines. In
assembling the new volumes of this unique Handbook, they have selected
and attracted the very best scientists in each sub-discipline as
contributing authors of the chapters
New & Forthcoming Titles |
- Functional
Properties Of Bio-Inspired Surfaces
Characterization and Technological Applications
edited by Eduardo A Favret (Instituto Nacional de
Tecnologia Agropecuaria, Argentina) & Nestor O Fuentes (Comision
Nacional de Energia Atomica, Argentina)
Invitation To
Physical Chemistry
(With CD-ROM)
by G K Vemulapalli (University of Arizona, USA)
- Bioinspired
Intelligent Nanostructured Interfacial Materials
by Lei Jiang (The Chinese Academy of Sciences,
China) & Lin Feng (Tsinghua University, China)
- Specific Ion
edited by Werner Kunz (University of Regensburg,
- 1,1'-Binaphthyl-Based
Chiral Materials
Our Journey
by Lin Pu (University of Virginia, USA)
- Nanomagnetism
And Spintronics
Fabrication, Materials, Characterization and Applications
edited by Farzad Nasirpouri (Sahand University of
Technology, Iran) & Alain Nogaret (University of Bath, UK)
- 4D Electron
Imaging in Space and Time
edited by Ahmed H Zewail and John M Thomas
- Petrochemical
Technology Selection in a Carbon Constrained World
by Duncan Seddon (Duncan Seddon & Associates Pty
Ltd, Australia)
- Advances In
Multi-Photon Processes And Spectroscopy
(Volume 19)
edited by S H Lin (National Chiao-Tung University,
Taiwan & Arizona State University, USA) , A A Villaeys (Institute
de Physique et Chimie des Matèriaux de Strasbourg, France) , & Y
Fujimura (Tohoku University, Japan)
- Combinatorial
Development Of Solid Catalytic Materials
Design of High-Throughput Experiments, Data Analysis, Data Mining
by Manfred Baerns (Fritz-Haber Institute of
Max-Planck Society, Berlin, Germany) & Martin Holena (Academy of
Sciences, Czech Republic)
- Chemical
With Examples for Nonequilibrium Processes
by Byung Chan Eu & Mazen Al-Ghoul (University of
Beirut, Lebanon)
New Review |

The Life
And Scientific Legacy Of George Porter
edited by David Phillips (Imperial College London, UK)
& James Barber (Imperial College London, UK)
"This book will be of interest to his colleagues and
contemporaries in physical chemistry, and indirectly to historians via
the first-hand attributions of Porter's influence. Between the lines,
this book is a catalogue of the credentials of the great and the good
of two generations in British chemistry."
Notable Backlist |

Theory Of Water And Aqueous Solutions
Part 1: Understanding Water
by Arieh Ben-Naim (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem,

And Photoelectrochemical Systems For Solar Photon Conversion
edited by Mary D Archer (Imperial College, UK) &
Arthur J Nozik (National Renewable Energy Laboratory, USA)
And Chemiluminescence
Progress and Current Applications
Robinson College, University of Cambridge, UK, 5 – 9 April 2002
edited by Philip E Stanley (Cambridge Research and
Technology Transfer Ltd, England) & Larry J Kricka (University of
Pennsylvania School of Medicine, USA)
Linus Pauling
— Selected Scientific Papers
(In 2 Volumes)
edited by Barclay Kamb (California Institute of
Technology, USA) , Linda Pauling Kamb (LCProgeny Inc., USA) , Peter
Jeffress Pauling (University College London, UK) , Alexander Kamb
(Arcaris Inc., USA) , & Linus Pauling (Linus Pauling Institute of
Science & Medicine, USA)
General Interest |

Research Writing For Non-Native Speakers Of English
by Hilary Glasman-Deal (Imperial College London, UK)
book is designed to enable non-native English speakers to write science
research for publication in English. It can also be used by English
speakers and is a practical, user-friendly book intended as a fast,
do-it-yourself guide for those whose English language proficiency is
above intermediate. The approach is based on material developed from
teaching graduate students at Imperial College London and has been
extensively piloted. The book guides the reader through the process of
writing science research and will also help with writing a Master's or
Doctoral thesis in English.
writing is much easier than it looks because the structure and language
are conventional. The aim of this book is to help the reader discover a
template or model for science research writing and then to provide the
grammar and vocabulary tools needed to operate that model. There are
five units: Introduction, Methodology, Results, Discussion/Conclusion
and Abstract. The reader develops a model for each section of the
research article through sample texts and exercises; this is followed
by a Grammar and Writing Skills section designed to respond to
frequently-asked questions as well as a Vocabulary list including
examples of how the words and phrases are to be used.
Prolonged: Old Age Postponed
by Robert Weale (King's College London, UK)
exactly is human ageing? Can it be slowed down? These questions have
puzzled scientists and laymen alike for generations, and continue to do
so today. The author addresses these thought-provoking issues by
challenging pre-conceived notions of age-perception, age-acceptance and
inter-age relations. Pertinent matters of age-related communication are
dealt with, and the reader is treated to a grand tour of the latest
theories of ageing, age-related biological changes and age-related
diseases, such as Alzheimer's Disease. Here, the author's expertise in
age-related eye diseases truly comes into its own.
Be Fit For
Life: A Guide To Successful Aging
A Wellness, Weight Management, and Fitness Program You Can Live With
by Steven R Gambert (University of Maryland School of
Medicine, USA & Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, USA)
Be Fit
for Life: A Guide to Successful Aging is a self-help book for anyone
interested in living a happier and healthier life. Aging is a life-long
process and the sooner one accepts this and better prepares for the
years ahead, the more successful his/her aging process will be. Dr
Gambert, a noted authority in the field of aging and medicine, takes
the reader on a journey that provides information and practical advice
on how to best prevent an accelerated aging process, avoid disease, and
recognize and treat problems early.
Journal Highlight |
Journal of Porphyrins and
Phthalocyanines (JPP)
The Journal
of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines (JPP) covers research in the
chemistry, physics, biology and technology of porphyrins,
phthalocyanines and related macrocycles. Research papers, review
articles and short communications deal with the synthesis,
spectroscopy, processing and applications of these compounds.
or initiate your subscription to JPP at the following site.
A free sample copy of the full January issue (19 articles and
170 pages) is available for download
(6,274 kb) until further notice.
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