valued subscriber,
flourishing scientific career is strengthened by a sustained flow of
oral presentations. And this is where most scientists may wish that,
like bees, they were equipped with a social gene enabling them to dance
uninhibited in front of an audience avid for new sources of ideas.
(at least so far) nobody has identified a presentation gene in our DNA.
Presentation skills, even though they appear native in those who
flourish, are not found in the human genome...
(extracted from author- Jean-Luc Lebrun's
blog at http://scientific-presentations.com)
about Five
Slide Types, Five Roles (669k) from When The
Scientist Presents - An Audio and Video Guide to Science Talks
Highlight |
Of Mesoscopic Physics
Dedicated to Professor Yoseph Imry's 70th Birthday
edited by Amnon Aharony (Ben Gurion University, Israel)
& Ora Entin-Wohlman (Ben Gurion University, Israel)
Yoseph (Joe) Imry, an early initiator of mesoscopic physics, has been
among the leaders in this field for several decades. This book contains
articles by leading (theoretical and experimental) scientists working
in nanoscience and in related fields. Most of the contributions,
consisting both reviews of the state of the art and new results,
summarize invited talks given at two conferences held in honor of
Imry's 70th birthday: the 101st Statistical Mechanics Conference
(Rutgers University, May 10–12, 2009), and Perspectives of
Mesoscopic Physics (Weizmann Institute of Science, May 31–June 1,
2009). This book covers a broad range of active research in
nanoscience, including topics like quantum interference, decoherence,
electron correlations, nano superconductors and nano magnets,
nonequilibrium and glassy behavior.
New & Forthcoming Titles |
- Single-Electron
Devices And Circuits In Silicon
by Zahid Ali Khan Durrani (Imperial College, UK)
- Annual Review Of Nano Research
edited by Guozhong Cao (University of Washington,
USA) , Qifeng Zhang (University of Washington, USA) , & C Jeffrey
Brinker (University of New Mexico, USA & Sandia National
Laboratories, USA)

Processes On Insulating Surfaces
by Enrico Gnecco (University of Basel, Switzerland)
& Marek Szymonski (Jagiellonian University, Poland)

Topics In Nanoscience And Nanotechnology
edited by Andrew T S Wee (National University of
Singapore, Singapore)
- Nanomagnetism
And Spintronics
Fabrication, Materials, Characterization and Applications
by Frank Schwierz (Technical University Ilmenau,
Germany) , Hei Wong (City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong) , &
Juin J Liou (University of Central Florida, USA)
- Nanoscience
And Nanotechnology In Engineering
by Vijay K Varadan (University of Arkansas, USA) , A
Sivathanu Pillai (Defense Research and Development Organization, India)
, Debashish Mukherji (Defense Research and Development Organization,
India) , Mayank Dwivedi (Defense Research and Development Organization,
India), & Linfeng Chen (University of Arkansas, USA)
- Nanoparticle
Reinforced Composites For Structural Applications
by Hassan Mahfuzn (Florida Atlantic University, USA)
& Vinod Dhanak (The University of Liverpool, UK)
- An
Introduction To Interfaces And Colloids
The Bridge to Nanoscience
by John C Berg (University of Washington, USA)
- Molecular
An Introduction to Theory and Experiment
by Juan Carlos Cuevas (Universidad Autónoma de
Madrid, Spain) & Elke Scheer (Universität Konstanz, Germany)

The Invisible Revolution
by Christian Joachim (CEMES-CNRS, France) &
Laurence Plévert (Independent Science Journalist)
Notable Backlist |
Journal Highlight |
Journal of Nanoscience (IJN)
inter-disciplinary, internationally-reviewed research journal covers
all aspects of nanometer scale science and technology. Articles in any
contemporary topical areas are sought, from basic science of nanoscale
physics and chemistry to applications in nanodevices, quantum
engineering and quantum computing.
your library have a subscription? If not, click here
to recommend this journal to your library. To request an institutional
trial to the journal, please have your librarian email trial@xxxxxxxx.
General Interest |

Research Writing For Non-Native Speakers Of English
by Hilary Glasman-Deal (Imperial College London, UK)
book is designed to enable non-native English speakers to write science
research for publication in English. It can also be used by English
speakers and is a practical, user-friendly book intended as a fast,
do-it-yourself guide for those whose English language proficiency is
above intermediate. The approach is based on material developed from
teaching graduate students at Imperial College London and has been
extensively piloted. The book guides the reader through the process of
writing science research and will also help with writing a Master's or
Doctoral thesis in English.
writing is much easier than it looks because the structure and language
are conventional. The aim of this book is to help the reader discover a
template or model for science research writing and then to provide the
grammar and vocabulary tools needed to operate that model. There are
five units: Introduction, Methodology, Results, Discussion/Conclusion
and Abstract. The reader develops a model for each section of the
research article through sample texts and exercises; this is followed
by a Grammar and Writing Skills section designed to respond to
frequently-asked questions as well as a Vocabulary list including
examples of how the words and phrases are to be used.
Prolonged: Old Age Postponed
by Robert Weale (King's College London, UK)
exactly is human ageing? Can it be slowed down? These questions have
puzzled scientists and laymen alike for generations, and continue to do
so today. The author addresses these thought-provoking issues by
challenging pre-conceived notions of age-perception, age-acceptance and
inter-age relations. Pertinent matters of age-related communication are
dealt with, and the reader is treated to a grand tour of the latest
theories of ageing, age-related biological changes and age-related
diseases, such as Alzheimer's Disease. Here, the author's expertise in
age-related eye diseases truly comes into its own.
Be Fit For
Life: A Guide To Successful Aging
A Wellness, Weight Management, and Fitness Program You Can Live With
by Steven R Gambert (University of Maryland School of
Medicine, USA & Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, USA)
Be Fit
for Life: A Guide to Successful Aging is a self-help book for anyone
interested in living a happier and healthier life. Aging is a life-long
process and the sooner one accepts this and better prepares for the
years ahead, the more successful his/her aging process will be. Dr
Gambert, a noted authority in the field of aging and medicine, takes
the reader on a journey that provides information and practical advice
on how to best prevent an accelerated aging process, avoid disease, and
recognize and treat problems early.
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