previa: Estancias arriba: Alumnado siguiente: Conferencias y Congresos

Artículos publicados por nuestros alumnos

Alumno Artículos
Carrillo Tripp, Mauricio
  1. L. Salas, M. Carrillo, et al., "\textit{Active primary mirror support for the 2.1-m telescope at the San Pedro Mártir Observatory}", Applied Optics, \textbf{36}(16), 3708, 1997.
  2. M. Carrillo-Tripp, H. Saint-Martin and I. Ortega-Blake, "\textit{A comparative study of the hydration of Na+ and K+ with refined polarizable model potentials}", Journal of Chemical Physics, accepted for publication Jan. 2003.
Periole Domergue, Xavier
  1. X. Periole et al, {\em New effective potentials extraction method for the interaction between cations and water}, J. Phys. Chem. {\vol 102}, 8579 (1998).
  2. X. Periole et al, J. Phys. Chem. {\vol 101}, 5018 (1997).
Alumno Artículos
Hernández Mena, Claudia
  1. P. Parmananda, Claudia H. Mena and Gerold Baier, ``Resonant forcing of a silent Hodgkin-Huxley neuron,'' Phys. Rev. E. 66, 047202 (2002).
de Carlos López, Eduardo
  1. Mauricio López, Iván Domínguez, Eduardo de Carlos. "Corrección de efectos sistemáticos por campo magnético en el patrón primario de frecuencia de bombeo óptico del CENAM", Superficies y Vacío, Vol. 11, 2000, pág. 88.
  2. Sergio López, Mauricio López, Iván Domínguez, Eduardo de Carlos, Hagman Ramirez. "Evaluación de alta exactitud de errores sistemáticos en espectroscopía de niveles hiperfinos del Cs-133", Superficies y Vacío, aceptado para su publicación.
Lugo Arce, José Eduardo
  1. J. A. del Río J. Tagüeña-Martínez, y J. E. Lugo, {\em Non-linear effects in the thermal conductivity of porous silicon}, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells (enviado, 1996).
  2. J. A. del Río, J. Tagüeña-Martínez, y J. E. Lugo, {\em Spatial averaging approach to transport properties in porous silicon}, en {\em XXIII Winter Meeting on Statistical Physics. Lectures on Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics} ed. por M. Costas, R. Rodríguez y Ana L. Benavides, p. 117. (World Scientific, Singapur, 1994).
  3. J. E. Lugo, J. A. del Río, J. Tagüeña y J. A. Ochoa, {\em Effective dielectric function of porous silicon:the transverse component}, Mat. Res. Soc. Proc. \vol 358, 43 (1995).
  4. J. E. Lugo, J. A. del Río y J. Tagüeña-Martínez, {\em Surface contributions to the effective optical properties of porous silicon} J. Appl. Phys. (enviado, 1996).
  5. J. Tagüeña, J. A. del Río y J. E. Lugo, {\em Dynamic effective conductivity of porous silicon}, J. of Non-Crystalline Solids, \vol 182, 206 (1995).
  6. J. Tagüeña-Martínez, J. A. del Río, y J. E. Lugo, {\em Surface contribution in the transport properties of porous silicon:a theoretical survey}, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells (enviado, 1996).
  7. Ma. Elena Tejeda, J. E. Lugo y J. Tagüeña-Martínez, {\em El silicio:de los cristales a los poros}, en {\em Memorias de la IV Escuela de Verano ``La Visión Molecular de la Materia'' (FCUAEM e IFUNAM, Cuernavaca, Mor., 1995), ed. por José Récamier, p. 101.
Marquina Cruz, Eric Raúl
  1. E. R. MArquína, A. Amaya-Tapia, R. Hernández-Lamoneda y H. Martínez, Experimental and theoretical investigations of single-electron capture and loss in He$^+$-Ar collisions, J. Phys. B:At. Mol. Opt. Phys. {\bf 34}, 3751-3761 (2001).
Escalera Santos, Gerardo Jesús
  1. Gerardo J. Escalera y P. Parmananda, {\em Resonances invoked via deterministic and stochastic perturbations:A comparative study}, Phys. rev. E (2002)
  2. Gerold Baier, Gerardo Jesus Escalera Santos, Hector Perales, M. Rivera, Markus Muller, Ron Leder, and P. Parmananda, Self-exciting chaos as a dynamical model for irregular neural spiking, Physical Review E. vol. 62, R7579 (2000).
  3. István. Z. Kiss, John L. Hudson, Gerardo J. Escalera, and P. Parmananda, {\em Experiments on coherence resonance:Noisy precursors to Hopf bifurcations}, Phys. Rev. E {\bf 67}, 035201(R) (2003).
Ortiz, Guillermo Pablo
  1. G.P. Ortiz, C. López-Bastidas,J.A. Maytorena, and W.L. Mochán-{\em Bulk response of composites from finite samples}, Physica B (enviado, jul. 12, 2002)
  2. G.P. Ortiz, W. Luis Mochán-{\em Scaling condition for multiple scattering in fractal aggregates}, Physica B (aceptado noviembre de 2002).
  3. {\it Optical properties and scaling in fractal aggregates}, Guillermo P. Ortiz and W. Luis Mochán, Proceedings of the IV Iberoamerican Meeting on Optics and VII Latin American Meeting on Optics, Lasers, and Their Applications, ed. by Vera L. Brudny, Silvia A. Ledesma, and Mario C. Marconi, Proceedings of SPIE {\bf 4419} 752 (2001).
  4. {\it Scaling of light scattered from fractal aggregates at resonance}, Guillermo P. Ortiz and W. Luis Mochán, Phys. Rev. B (enviado, Dec. 19, 01)
Perales Valdivia, Héctor
  1. Gerold Baier, Gerardo J. Escalera Santos, Hector Perales, M. Rivera, Markus Muller, Ron Leder and P. Parmananda Self exciting chaos as a dynamic model for irregular neural spiling Physical Review B 62, R7579 (2000)
  2. Hector Perales, Eduardo Ramos y Sergio Cuevas Effect of the magnetic field on the stability of oscillatory flow in a duct Proc. 4th International Conference on MHD at the Dawn of the 3d Millenium Prespuile de Giens, Francia, septiembre, 2000
  3. Hector Perales, Eduardo Ramos y Sergio Cuevas "Entry effects in oscillatory flows in ducts", enviado a European Physical Journal A P, el 16 de mayo del 2003.
Rodríguez Vargas, Isaac
  1. I.Rodríguez-Vargas, L.M. Gaggero-Sager and V.R. Velasco, "Thomas-Fermi-Dirac theory of the hole gas of a double p-type $\delta$-doped GaAs quantum wells.", enviado a Surface Science.
  2. I. Rodríguez-Vargas y L.M. Gaggero-Sager," A Many-Body Effect Study in Two Coupled $\delta$-Doped Quantum Wells in Si.", enviado a la Revista Mexicana de Física (RMF).
  3. I. Rodríguez-Vargas y L.M. Gaggero-Sager," Exchange Effects in two p-type $delta$-doped ZnSe quantum wells, a subband hole structure calculation", enviado a la Revista Mexicana de Física (RMF)..
Maytorena Córdova, Jesús Alberto
  1. El gas de fermiones y la generación óptica de segundo armónico, Jesús Maytorena y W. Luis Mochán, Memorias de la {\it Escuela Mexicana de Física Estadística EMFE7 (1993)} ed. por José Inez Jiménez Aquino, Raul Rechtman, y Victor Romero Rochin (Ciencias Servicios Editoriales, UNAM, 1994) p. 209.
  2. Hydrodynamic model for SHG at conductor surfaces with continuous profiles, J. A. Maytorena, W. Luis Mochán, and Bernardo S. Mendoza, Phys. Rev. B \vol 51, 2556 (1995).
  3. Hydrodynamic Model of Second Harmonic Generation at Metal Surfaces, J. A. Maytorena, W. Luis Mochán and Bernardo S. Mendoza, in {\it Second Iberoamerican Meeting on Optics} Daniel Malacara, Sofía E. Acosta, Ramón Rodríguez Vera, Zacarías Malacara and Arquímides Morales, Editors, Proc. SPIE \vol 2730, 376. (1996).
  4. Second harmonic generation at conductor surfaces with continuous profiles, W. Luis Mochán, J. Maytorena y B. S. Mendoza, Proceedings of the conference {\it 1994 Nonlinear optics:Materials, Fundamentals and Applications.} IEEE cat. \
Silva Ordaz, Juan Arturo
  1. (previo) J.M. Reyes, A. Saenz, A. Silva y V.M. Castaño, {\em Lie Algebra and Symplectic Maps as Mathematical Frameworks for describing Optical Systems,} Optik {\bf 110}, No. 11, 527-532 (1999).
Martínez Orozco, Juan Carlos
  1. J.C. Martínez-Orozco, L.M. Gaggero-Sager, M.E. Mora-Ramos y I. Pérez-Quintana, {\em Differential capacitance for AlN/GaN Heterostructure field effect transistors}, Physica Status Solidi (b) 230, No. 2, 335-338 ( Proceedings on PASI, 2002).
  2. J.C. Martínez-Orozco, L.M. Gaggero-Sager y Stoyan J. Vlaev, {\em A simple model for the differential capacitance profile in the atomic layer doped Field Effect Transistor (ALD-FET) in GaAs}, Material Science and Engineering {\bf B84}, 155 -158 (2001).
  3. J.C. Martínez-Orozco y L.M. Gaggero-Sager, {\em Differential Capacitance As a Method of Determining the Presence of a Quasi-Bidimensional Electronic Gas}, Solid-State Electronics (enviado 2001).
  4. J.C. Mart¡nez-Orozco and L.M. Gaggero-Sager. Electronic properties for an atomic layer doped field effect transistor (ALD-FET) in a Si matrix, Revista Mexicana de F¡sica, (Submited).
  5. J.C. Mart¡nez-Orozco and L.M. Gaggero-Sager. Electronic states for a delta doped field effect transistor in a GaAs matrix (delta-FET), Revista mexicana de F¡sica, (Submited).
  6. J.C. Mart¡nez-Orozco, L. M. Gaggero-Sager.C lculo de la Capacitancia Diferencial en Transistores de Efecto de Campo en GaAs. Revista digital Universitaria UNAM. (, 30 de junio de 2002 * Vol. 3 No. 2 * ISSN:1607-6079)
  7. Juan Carlos Martínez Orozco, Luis Manuel Gaggero Sager y Stoyan J. Vlaev, {\em Capacitancia Diferencial en un Delta-FET}, Jornadas de Investigación, Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas, diciembre de 1999, BO7EFIS20.
Rivera Islas, Marco Antonio
  1. (ARTICULO DE DIVULGACION) M. Rivera, P. Parmananda, G. Baier, "Caos y Orden", Revista Venados UAEM, Diciembre 2000.
  2. Gerold Baier, Gerardo Jesus Escalera Santos, Hector Perales, M. Rivera, Markus Muller, Ron Leder, and P. Parmananda, Self-exciting chaos as a dynamical model for irregular neural spiking, Physical Review E. vol. 62, R7579 (2000).
  3. M. Rivera, P. Parmananda y E. Eiswirth, Birythmicity induced by perturbing and oscillating electrochemical system, Phys. Rev. E {\bf 65}, 025201 (2002)
  4. M. Rivera, R. Madrigal y P. Parmananda, Analisis numerico de caos espacio temporal en sistemas extendidos espacialmente e investigacion de electrodisolucion caotica de metales, Rev. Mex. de Fisica, vol. 46, S2, 11 (2000).
  5. P. Parmananda, M. Rivera and R. Madrigal,Altering oscillatory dynamics of an electrochemical system using external forcing, Electrochimica Acta, vol. 44, No. 26, 4677 (1999).
  6. P. Parmananda, M. Rivera and R. Madrigal, Resonant control of electrochemical oscillations, J. Phys. Chem. B, vol. 104, 11748 (2000).
  7. P.Parmananda, R. Madrigal and M. Rivera, Stabilization of unstable system using delayed feedback control, Physical Review E, vol. 59, number 5 (1999).
Vargas González, María Cristina
  1. {\it Bound State Spectroscopy of He Adsorbed on NaCl(001):Band Structure Effects}, M. Cristina Vargas y W. Luis Mochán, Surf. Sci. \vol 355, 115 (1996).
Robles Pérez, Miguel
  1. M. Robles, J. Tagüeña-Martínez, J. A. del Río, {\em Effective conductivity of chemically deposited ZnO thin films}, Thin Solid Films (aceptado, 1996).
  2. M. Robles, J. Tagüeña-Martínez, J. A. del Río, {\em Effective condyuctivity modeling of polycrystalline ZnO Thin films}, Mat. Res. Soc. Proc. (aceptado, 1996).
Alumno Artículos
Zamilpa Alvarez, Alejandro
  1. Antispasmodic and Antimicrobial Diterpenic Acids from Viguiera hypargyrea Roots. Alejandro Zamilpa, Jaime Tortoriello, Victor Navarro, Guillermo Delgado, Laura Alvarez. (Full-text in HTML PDF) Planta Medica; 03, 2002
  2. Comparative Study of Differentiation Levels and Valepotriate Content of in Vitro Cultures and Regenerated and Wild Plants of Valeriana edulis ssp. procera Castillo, P.; Zamilpa, A.; Marquez, J.; Hernandez, G.; Lara, M.; Alvarez, L.; J. Nat. Prod.; (2002); 65(4); 573-575. DOI:10.1021/np0104267
  3. Effectiveness and Tolerability of a standardized Phytogrugs Derived from Solanum chrysotrichum on Tiena Pedis:A controlled and Randomized Clinical trial. Herrera-Arellano Armando, Zamilpa Alejandro, Alvarez Laura, Tortoriello Jaime. Planta Medica. En revisión y aceptado. No. 309002
  4. Five New Steroidal Saponins from Solanum chrysotrichum Leaves and Their Antimycotic Activity Zamilpa, A.; Tortoriello, J.; Navarro, V.; Delgado, G.; Alvarez, L.; J. Nat. Prod.; (2002); 65(12); 1815-1819. DOI:10.1021/np020261h
  5. Polysomnographyc Evaluation of the Hypnotic Effect of Valeriana edulis Standarized Extract in Patients Suffering from Insomnia. Armando Herrera-Arellano, Gustavo Luna-Villegas, Ma. Luisa Cuevas-Uriostegui, Laura Alvarez, Gabriela Vargas-Pineda, Alejandro Zamilpa-Alvarez, Jaime Tortoriello. Planta Medica; (2001) 67; 695-700. (Full-text in HTML PDF) Planta Medica; 08, 2001
  6. Saponinas:Aislamiento, Propiedades Biológicas y Determinación Estructural Alejandro Zamilpa. Tópicos de Investigación en Química (2000); 2, 1-24.
González Morales, Angelina
  1. Angelina González, M. Y. Ríos y M. L. Villarreal, {\em Sterols, triterpenes and biflavonoids of viburnum jucundum and cytotoxic activity of ursolic acid}, Planta Médica 2001, 67, 683.
Vargas Pineda, Diana Gabriela
  1. Armando Herrera-Arellano, Gustavo Luna-Villegas, Ma. Luisa Cuevas-Uriostegui, Laura Alvarez, Gabriela Vargas-Pineda, Alejandro Zamilpa-Alvarez y Jaime Tortoriello, {\em Polysomnographic Evaluation of the Hypnotic Effect of Valeriana edulis Standardized Extract in Patients Suffering from Insomnia}, Planta Medica {\bf 67}, 695-699, (2001).
Ochoa Lara, Karen Lillian
  1. Cho, A.; Ochoa, K. L.; Yatsimirsky, A. K. and Eliseev A. V. Phosphatase-Triggered Guest Release from a Cyclodextrin Complex, Organic Letters, 2, No. 12, 1741-1743 (2000).
  2. Inoue, M. B.; Velazquez, E. F.; Medrano, F.; Ochoa, K. L.; Galvez, J. C.; Inoue, M. and Quintus, F., Binuclear Copper (II) Chelates of Amide-Based Cyclophanes, Q. Inorg. Chem, 37, No. 16, 4070-4075 (1998).
  3. Ochoa K. L., Godoy-Alcántar, C., León, I., Eliseev, A. V. y Yatsimirsky, A. K., {\em Complexation of Dicarboxylates and Phosphates by a Semisynthetic Alkaloid-based Cyclophane in Water}, J. Phys. Org. Chem. {\bf 14}, 453-462 (2001).
  4. (otros) Ochoa K. L., Rotaxanos:Desde su Síntesis Hasta su Funcionamiento como Interruptores Moleculares, Tópicos de Investigación en Química (revista del Centro de Investigaciones Químicas de la Universidad de Morelos), 1, No. 1, 1-31 (2000).
  5. (proc)Ochoa K. L., Godoy-Alcántar, C., Yatsimirsky, A. K., y Eliseev, A. V., Reconocimiento molecular con el macrociclo natural tetrandrina y sus dos derivados semisintéticos, Memorias del XXXIV Congreso Mexicano de Química, 456-461 (1999).
Sánchez Vázquez, Mario
  1. Mario Sánchez, H. Höpfl, M. E. Ochoa, N. Farfán, R. Santillan y S. Rojas, {\em Preparation of seven- and eight-membered boron heterocycles from different salen ligand and arylboronic acids}, Inorganic Chemistry 2001, 40, 6405.
  2. Mario Sánchez, R. Salazar, H. Höpfl, M. E. Ochoa, N. Farfán, R. Santillan y S. Rojas, {\em Facile preparation of [4,4]meta- and [5,5]paracyclophane typemacrocycles from arylboronic acids and salicylideneaminoaryl alcohols}, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, En prensa
González Tototzin, Miguel Angel
  1. Jaime Escalante, Miguel A. González-Tototzin, Judit Aviña, Omar Muñoz-Muñiz y Eusebio Juaristi, {\em Synthesis of b-lactams and cyclo-b-dipeptides from b-amino acids. Experimental observations and theoretical analysis}, Tetrahedron, 2001, {\bf 57}, 1883-1890.
de la Cruz Cordero, Ricardo Abraham
  1. M. Ordóñez, Ricardo de la Cruz, M. Fernández y M. Muñoz, {\em Diastereoselective reduction of b-ketophosphonates derived from amino acids. A new entry to enantiopure a-hydroxy-g-aminophosphonates}, Tetrahedron Letters, Enviado
Marquina Bahena, Silvia
  1. Alfredo Ortega, Patricia E. García, Jorge Cárdenas, Claudia Mancera, Silvia Marquina, Ma. Luisa del Carmen Garduño y Emma Maldonado, {\em Methyl dodonates, a new type of diterpenes with a modified clerodane skeleton from Dodonaea viscosa}, Tetrahedron 2001, {\bf 57}, 2981-2989.
  2. Silvia Marquina, Nora Maldonado, María Luisa Garduño-Ramírez, Eduardo Aranda, María Luisa Villarreal, Víctor Navarro, Robert Bye, Guillermo Delgado, Laura Alvarez, {\em Bioactive oleanolic acid saponins and other constituents from the roots of Viguiera decurrens}, Phytochemistry {\bf 56}, 93-97, (2001).
Flores Morales, Virginia
  1. Virginia Flores M. Adiciones asimétricas 1,2 y 1,4 sobre el grupo carbonilo de aldehídos y cetonas. Tópicos de Investigación en Química 2000, 1, 56-66.

previa: Estancias arriba: Alumnado siguiente: Conferencias y Congresos

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