Blog de Luis Mochán |
Ligas |
Sun, 17 Jan 2010
Cambio de presidencia en el Campus Morelos de la UNAM
Cargado a las 23:10 en /mochan/varios / campus20100117, | Etiquetas: campus morelos, unam | liga permanente
Another reason not to use Microsoft
Cargado a las 22:13 en /mochan/varios / ie20100117, | Etiquetas: internet explorer, microsoft, network | liga permanente
Non-local derivation of Poynting's theorem
Cargado a las 17:13 en /mochan/noticiasFisica / poynting20100117, | Etiquetas: colloids, electrodynamics, metamaterials, papers, Poynting | liga permanente Reading about kyphoplasty and the evidence in favor or against it, I read the terms evidence based medicine. Its existence implies that most of the medical treatments in use are not evidence based, i.e., based on statistical analysis of many cases with appropriate controls, double blind tests, etc. In the case of kyphoplasty and vertebroplasty, after 25 years of use, there are only two double blind studies with about 130 patients with negative results. The results have been contested but the criticisms, although reasonable (there was a pre-selection of cases, all interventions were performed by the same surgeon, the amount of cement was inadequate) have not reached yet refereed medical journals. (My mother is having kyphoplasty next week). Most medical doctors draw upon their (limited) personal experience and reported clinical cases, they are not trained statisticians and, in any case, they don't have access to massive data banks to perform data analysis. Thus, I suggest that, if it doesn't exist yet, a single database should be set up to attempt to collect information from all cases attended by all physicians world-wide, so that a data mining program might find enough evidence about a given treatment in given circumstances that conclusions can be drawn with some certainty. It should be simple to use, so that physicians are encouraged to use it. Maybe it can offer to be a substitute to paper files, so that information about given individuals may be obtained using the appropriate passwords, replacing in-office files and motivating physicians to use it. Maybe it should also allow patients to fill their own cases and to retrieve them when required, making their clinical history available to the doctor of their choice. Anybody else should then be able to obtain and analyze information that doesn't compromises the anonymity of doctors and patients.
Cargado a las 13:23 en /mochan/varios / evidence20100117, | Etiquetas: medicine, science | liga permanente Lista global de etiquetas: aborto, acmor, ade651, administración, age, agua, AMC, amc, AMLO, amor, América Latina, android, anharmonic oscillator, animaciones, anuncios, análisis dimensional, Aristegui, arte, astronomy, astronomía, asymptote, atmósfera, autoreferencia, bachillerato, backflip, Belkin, biblioteca, bicicleta, bicicletas, bicycle, bikepath, biofísica, biografía, biopolímeros, blosedit, blosxom, books, burocracia, Cablemás, cablevision, Calderón, calentamiento global, campus morelos, captcha, Casimir, censura, charlatanería, chistes, ciclopista, ciencia, cine, ciudad, Ciudad de México, club de astronomía, colegio, colloids, coloquio, conacyt, congreso, consejoConsultivo, contaminación, corrupción, counter, creation and anhilation operators, crimen, ctic, cuento, cuernavaca, Cuernavaca, cómputo, danza, debate, debian, defensa, deformed operators, derechos humanos, detector molecular, dgsca, diputados, distinción, divulgación, DNS , docencia, documentation, doi, doppler, drenaje, drogas, earthquake, earthquakes, ecology, ecología, economía, edad de hielo, editoriales, educación, eficiencia, ejército, elecciones, electrodinámica, electrodynamics, email, empleos, emérito, encuestas, energy, energía, EPN, equilibrium, espcm, estado, eventos, extorsión, extraordinary transmission, extraterrestres, familia, fascism, fiesta, firefox, firewall, fluctuations, fluidos, formulaE, fotos, freedom, Fukushima, física, game theory, garciaLorca, gas, generación, geology, gnu, graphics, gt200, GT200, guerra, guitar, guitarra, guns, guías de onda, hacienda, halos, harmonic oscillator, historia, homeopatía, hospital, humanidades, humor, icf, IFAI, ifai, impunidad, infraestructura, ingeniería, innovación, instrumentación, instrumentation, interacción radiación-materia, internet explorer, ionosphere, ionósfera, IOP, ipicyt, iusacell, japón, jueces, justicia, Karman, laicismo, laptop, Leika, lenovo, ley, libertad, libertad, libros, licenciatura, linux, literatura, lylipond, manchas solares, matemáticas, materiales fotónicos, mathematics, mb300, medicina, medicine, medio ambiente, metamateriales, metamaterials, microsoft, militares, moire, moires, moiré, mole, Morelos, morelos, morse oscillator, motivation, mountaineering, movimiento perpetuo , museo, music, mutt email perl labels gmail, México, música, nanociencias, nanoparticles, nanotechnology, narco, network, noticias, nsa, nuclear, nuclear magnetic resonance, obituario, olimpiadas, opinión, pacto, paging, papers, partituras, pcf, pdf, periódico historia, periódicos, personajes, PHP, physics, physicsWorld, plasmones, plegado, plugins, podcast, politics, polímeros, política, posgrado, positron, Poynting, prensa, prevención, pride, productividad, propaganda, pseudociencia, pseudociencia , pseudoscience, puentes, quantum mechanics, radiación, radio, rayos X, reactores nucleares, red, redacción, reforma, regular expressions, religion, religión, retrato, rewards, robbery, rock, root, routing, schools, science, security, seguridad, seguridad nacional, seminario, seminarios, senado, senadores, sheetMusic, simuladores, skydiving, SNI ciencia, sociedad, software, sol, spam, spamassasin, ssh, subdesarrollo, tagging, tcj, tecnología, telefonía celular, temblor, teoría de juegos, terremoto, terrorism, terrorismo, tomography, topes, tortura, trafico, transporte, tráfico, turbulence, turbulencia, uaem, ultrasound, unam, UNAM, universidad, universidades, universum, vacuum, vehículos eléctricos, video, violencia, von Kármán, vortices, vórtices, wbcaptcha, wiki, wikileaks, wireless, X, X rays, zahorismo, ética, óptica Visitas: 0 |