Blog de Luis Mochán

Blog de Luis Mochán.

Blog de Luis Mochán del Instituto de Ciencias Físicas.

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Luis Mochán
GPG id: DD344B85
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  • Sun, 24 Jan 2010

    Nano Blog
    I received a link from Miguel A. Méndez Rojas to a blog on nanoscience and nanotechnology published by the Universidad de las Americas. Actually, most of the contents are related to the conflict at the Instituto Potosino de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica with Mauricio an Humberto Terrones. The blog seems to have chosen sides against IPICyT and in favor of the Terrones brothers.

    Cargado a las 21:44 en /mochan/varios / terrones20100124, | Etiquetas: , , | liga permanente

    I installed a plugin that allows firefox to understands digital object identifiers DOI references as if they were an internet protocol, by interrogating the doi server, so that if I write the address doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.79.245132 firefox takes me to

    Cargado a las 19:56 en /mochan/varios / doi20100124, | Etiquetas: , , , | liga permanente

    Blog sore Charlatanería y Pseudociencia
    Mauricio José Schwarz, un amigo desde la escuela preparatoria, fotógrafo, escritor, músico y divulgador de la ciencia, estableció un blog en castellano para discutir charlatanería pseudocientífica contemporánea y combatir la irracionalidad.

    Cargado a las 18:42 en /mochan/varios / charlatanes20100124, | Etiquetas: , , | liga permanente

    Effective dielectric response of Metamaterials
    Effective dielectric response of Metamaterials, Guillermo P. Ortiz, Brenda E. Martínez-Zérega, Bernardo S. Mendoza and W. Luis Mochán, Phys. Rev. B 79, 245132 (2009). (URL:, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.79.245132). A copy is here. We use a homogenization procedure for Maxwell's equations in order to obtain in the local limit the frequency dependent macroscopic dielectric response tensor $\epsilon^M_{ij}(\omega)$ of metamaterials made of a matrix with inclusions of any geometrical shape repeated periodically with any lattice structure. We illustrate the formalism calculating $\epsilon^M_{ij}(\omega)$ for several structures. For dielectric rectangular inclusions within a conducting material we obtain an anisotropic response which may change from conductor-like at low $\omega$ to dielectric-like with resonances at large $\omega$, attaining a very small reflectance at intermediate frequencies which can be tuned through geometrical tailoring. A simple explanation allowed us to predict and confirm similar behavior for other shapes, even isotropic, close to the percolation threshold.

    Cargado a las 16:37 en /mochan/noticiasFisica / ortiz20100124, | Etiquetas: , , , | liga permanente

    Energy transfer to an harmonic diatomic system
    Récamier, José and Mochán, W. Luis, Energy transfer to an anharmonic diatomic system, Molecular Physics, 107: 14, 1467 -- 1472 (2009) [DOI: 10.1080/00268970902942268, URL:]. A copy is here. We model an anharmonic diatomic molecule using deformed creation and annihilation operators such that the energy spectrum generated by a Hamiltonian of the harmonic oscillator's form written in terms of deformed operators is similar to that of a Morse potential. We construct an approximate time evolution operator and evaluate transition probabilities which are compared with those obtained by an expansion in a basis of Morse eigenfunctions. The algebraic results compare favorably with the numerical results.

    Cargado a las 16:21 en /mochan/noticiasFisica / collisions20100124, | Etiquetas: , , , , , | liga permanente

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